31st May 2020
Dear Friends,
Today we celebrate Pentecost, the 50th Day of Easter. Today we mark the moment recorded in the Acts of the Apostles when the promised Holy Spirit comes upon Our Lady and the disciples in a rush of wind and flames of fire, and life will never be the same again, as from this moment the Church is born. Click here to read the passage.
You can hear some words from me today
by clicking on the blue button below.
You can watch part of a Pentecost mass at Old St Pancras by clicking here
Thank you to Matt Shaw for working so hard on the filming.
Bishop Jonathan will be live streaming the mass today at 11.30am.
The Benedictine monk, Fr Christopher Jamison has coordinated an amazing website of resources particularly for those who are feeling isolated at this time, there are some great films and helps for prayer and meditation. It is called Alone-Together, click here to find it.
Happy Pentecost!
Fr James