
In Response to the Ongoing Racism in Our Country


This afternoon, deeply pained by the recent killing of George Floyd and what is unfolding in our nation, the Riverdale Jewish Community Conference started an initiative that we hope to expand to an interfaith effort. As a first step in addressing the current moment and the racism that is so prevalent in our country, we are calling for an ongoing vigil at the Riverdale Monument (239th and Riverdale Ave.).
We are a community that celebrates coming together in prayer, strengthening community and the values of family, love, tolerance and peace. Let us reaffirm our commitment to tolerance and respect for all.
As such, we are asking individual households to sign up for 20 minute slots at the monument where they will be standing by themselves. Songs & chants of peace & demands of justice encouraged along with signs focusing on Calls for Justice, and Solidarity with People of Color, George Floyd - RIP.
Having people stand as a household will help our community maintain social distance during this time of the coronavirus.  People who cannot be outside can also sign up to attend virtually.
Of course, there is much work to be done. Let these small actions spur us towards the greater efforts and sacrifices needed of us.

Click here to sign up for a slot.

Let us pray for us all as we yearn for a world where we appreciate and value each other.  We are stronger together when we tolerate and make room for each other.

Shavua tov,
Rosh Kehilah Dina Najman

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