
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
TIPTOP is proud to celebrate nurses during the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife.  While the project has a community focus with community distribution of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine, it would not be successful without the nurses who provide comprehensive antenatal care to pregnant women.  Together, TIPTOP community health workers and skilled nurses are helping pregnant women across sub-Saharan Africa have malaria free pregnancies.  The role of the nurse is important more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In TIPTOP, nurses like Nzuzi Musenga Louise play a key role in providing comprehensive services to pregnant women, supervising community health workers and collecting and using data to consistently improve quality of care. Through respectful maternity practices nurses across TIPTOP countries are leading the way to make access to essential health services a reality for women and providing the necessary care they deserve.  Nurses are a crucial link between the community and the health system and play a critical role in health promotion, disease prevention, and treatment.
Please join TIPTOP in recognizing the amazing contribution of nurses around the globe to reducing malaria in pregnancy and helping women to have healthy, safe pregnancies. 
Voices from the Field
"Previously pregnant women were afraid to take the SP, but when I got pregnant, I took SP and followed the ANC with them. This situation reassured many of them and women are starting to respect their ANC appointments. We are observing new and positive behavior in the community through the fact that I am using my pregnancy to encourage others." 
Nzuzi Musenga Lousie, Kasombo Health Center Maternity Manager since 2014
Read more about women helping women through the TIPTOP project
Visions from the Field
DRC, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria
Photo credits: Karel Prinsloo (DRC), Tsiriarivelo Julie Solondrainy (Madagascar), Kristen Vibbert (Mozambique) and Elizabeth Njoku (Nigeria)

Meet our TIPTOP team members

Chidinma Onuoha

Senior Finance Officer, Jhpiego, Nigeria
I have been working for Jhpiego since: November, 2019. In the finance department we play a key role in supporting the effective implementation of programs. Being connected and aware about what we do in the field helps us appreciate the need to be timely, efficient and effective in our support.


Cristina Enguita

Social Scientist, ISGlobal
My role on TIPTOP is: to coordinate the socio-anthropological study that will allow us to understand the socio-cultural factors that could have an influence in the acceptability of C-IPTp. The focus is on pregnant women, but other social actors will be considered, so that a holistic view on the feasibility of the project will be assured.

Samuel Mabunda

Malaria Technial Advisor, Jhpiego Mozambique
The thing about TIPTOP that excites me most is: working with passionate community health workers and lay community counselors, making pregnancy a safe experience in the community. There is a feeling of satisfaction when we are doing something meaningful for pregnant women and their families.
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Jhpiego • 1615 Thames Street, Baltimore, MD 21231

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