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Primary News 19/20

Issue 38

Once a Gecko, Always a Gecko
As the year winds down, we are reminded that our time together was very different to past years. We were tested in so many ways and in true SIS fashion we have come out stronger and more resilient.
This original song written by Mrs. Lisa and Mr. Bob Krebs and performed by 1D captures our love for SIS and regardless of where we are and where we end up in the world…..'Once a Gecko, Always a Gecko' remains a part of us.

Splish Splash! 

The weather in Shekou is getting hotter and our students have thoroughly enjoyed being outdoors playing and learning with water.  PE classes are finishing the year off with swimming units. Classes in Upper Primary swam, raced, and played at their class pool parties, while the Early Primary explored and splashed around on their water play days. 



Report Cards are Live and Seesaw Portfolio

Student report cards are available to view on the Gecko Portal. In addition, if your family is leaving at the end of this school year please take the time to download your child’s Seesaw portfolio.  You can find directions for both of these actions below.  

This semester at SIS has put the concept of 21st-century learning to the test. Educational institutions around the world have long known that students will need to be prepared with a skill set that allows them to be lifelong learners in a new and constantly evolving environment. With the emergence of COVID-19 on the world stage early in the second semester, SIS responded by taking our educational experience to virtual platforms. As of February 3rd, students have been engaging in online learning experiences. Students who have been able to return to school have experienced a more synchronous blended model, which included a mixture of students and teachers collaborating together both in the classroom and online. 

SIS values and advocates the empowerment of students to thrive in this complex and rapidly changing world through key skills including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Nurturing students with growth mindsets into lifelong learners is a continuous journey. The onset of online and blended learning models has presented us with real-time experience in applying these important skills. During this time, students at SIS have demonstrated increasing flexibility and adaptability in how learning occurs. The challenges of these unique learning experiences have highlighted the resilience and independence that are so important to student success. These life skills were demonstrated when students patiently navigated tough tech challenges and learned new ways of tracking and monitoring assignments, passwords, and meeting times. Additionally, students have been integrated lessons learned in regards to online safety and etiquette when communicating on various social platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Seesaw, and Zoom. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, our students have needed to demonstrate maturity and wisdom when learning to deal with complex emotions about the world and their place in it. Throughout the semester, and despite the distance, SIS students, staff, and families have drawn closer as a community to respond to the demands of online learning for one overarching objective; to emerge stronger, more resilient, and more prepared for our future as 21st-century learners. 

Learning on Summer Holiday 
Our Primary students navigated distance learning most of this semester, and we encourage them to continue to learn over the summer.  Our Learning Innovation team created a short video and guide (click here to download) to help support you and your child’s technology use over the summer. 


Upcoming Events: 

June 15: Step Up Day (video introductions from next year’s teachers)

June 16: G5 Moving Up Ceremony 

June 17: Last Day of School Dismissal at 11:30 AM 

Best wishes,
Mr. Kanabar
Ms. Kuemmerlin
Ms. Cedo

Shekou International School
Copyright © 2019 Shekou International School, All rights reserved.

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