2019/2020 Issue 36
Editor: Virág Kiss
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A Note from the Head Teacher 

Dear Readers,

I hope you are all keeping well!

Yesterday we had our Preschool Graduation, although parents could only watch them on Facebook live video, it was a lovely ceremony and the students did really well in performing in three different languages. We are looking forward to welcoming them in September as our fresh first graders.

Today, we also had a small ceremony for our 'grown-up' graduating students. They did an amazing job at their Matura Exams and they had received their Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Matura exam report card). We wish them all the best in their future studies at the Universities and the best of luck in their new adventures. 

Hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter!

Until next week kind regards,

Ms. Gabriella Gidró 
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Érettségi Bizonyítvány átadás

A mai napon az Érettségiző diákjaink átvették az Érettségi Bizonyítványukat, ami nem csak az életre való érettségüket igazolja, de azt is hogy egy nagy fejezet lezáródott az életükben és egy új izgalmas kihívásokkal teli időszak következik számukra. A sok együtt eltöltött év után mindig nehéz a búcsú, de ma ez egy örömteli nap is hiszen büszkén engedhetjük őket további útjukra és biztosak vagyunk benne hogy a továbbiakban is csodálatosan helyt állnak majd. SEK Budapest kapui mindig nyitva állnak előttük, és szívesen visszavárjuk őket akár csak egy látogatásra, de akár egy előadásra is amikor elmesélhetik SEK-es utódjaiknak a tapasztalataikat a továbbtanulásról, az életről.

Sok sikert kívánunk!

Matura Certificate handover

Today, our Graduating students received their certificate which not only the symbols of them being ready for life but also marks the end of an era and that it is a beginning of a new period full of exciting challenges. After so many years together it is difficult to say goodbye. It is however still a joyful day as we can proudly send them on their way knowing that they will do wonderfully well at whatever life throws at them.
The doors of SEK Budapest will always be wide open to them, always welcome to just for a visit or for a presentation to their SEK successors on their further study and life experiences.

Good Luck to You All!
Don't forget to register your workout on EndoMondo!
Moon Race 

We would like to shake up and move the SEK Budapest community a bit, we hope that everyone will be happy to join in the challenge after this long period of home stay experience. Our aim is to run the Earth – Moon distance together as a team; this is 384,402 km and should be reached by the 18th of June, 2020. If we unite we can conquer the moon!
What you need to do to take part in reaching this distance: you can run, walk, and even ride a bike! You can do it to be the most athletic, to compete against the other participating students, teachers, parents, or just so you can say: „Yes, I did it, I was a part of it!”
We use an application called Endomondo to measure the distance, to register please follow the steps below:
  1. Click on the link:
  2. You can register with your email account or Facebook profile.
  3. Once you are registered, share your distance, share a photo and also follow the progress on our Facebook page.
Have fun!
Kedves Olvasók!
Újabb fontos korszakot zártunk, vége van az oral examek napjainak. A diákok bár fáradtan, de a jóleső munka örömével és annak szép eredményével dőlhetnek hátra. Boldog vagyok, hogy minden diákom munkáján azt láttam (és aztán az online beszélgetések során is azt tapasztaltam), hogy örömmel foglalkozott azzal, amit csinált, szerette azt, amivel dolgozik, sok időt szánt rá, és próbálta a lehető legtöbbet nyújtani. Hogy ez pontokra, jegyekre átváltva mit is jelent, tán már nem is olyan fontos, hisz az élet nem pontokról és jegyekről szól, hanem arról, hogy szeressük azt, amit csinálunk, s hogy a végén, alakuljon bárhogy is, nyugodt lelkiismerettel bólinthassunk, igen, mindent megtettünk, ami tőlünk telt.
Sok videót mutathatnék Önöknek, végül 3-3 alkotást választottam ki a 10. és a 11. évfolyamból.
Előbbiből Boris Fanni óriási kutatómunkával térképezte fel a fiatalok nyelvhasználatát, egyetemi szintű kutatással felérő az, amit létrehozott. 60 szót vizsgált, minden szóhoz 10 opció volt, amit a résztvevők bejelölhettek, s összesen 36 résztvevőt vont be kutatásába. 12 fiatal, 12 középkorú és 12 idős embert. Átlagosan a szavak alatt bejelölt válaszszám 3.2 volt. Ha ezt kiszámolják, Fanni 6948!!! adattal dolgozott, amit excel tábla segítségével kezelt. Lenyűgöző! (Mikor kiszámoltam, magam sem hittem a szememnek,ezért megkérdeztem őt, s megerősített, jól számoltam.)
Borbás Barna az orosz realizmus irodalmát dolgozta fel, Sárközi Anna Zsófia pedig Petőfi Felhők-ciklusát.
A 11-ből Camus Közönyéből szeretnék megosztani Önökkel 3 videót, Szatmári Tamásét, Szilágyi Gerdáét és Tamási Lucáét. 
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Fanni videója mindenki érdeklődését felkelti a fiatalok nyelvhasználata iránt, az irodalmi videókat pedig szintén mindenkinek ajánlom, akik olvasták a műveket - nekik azért, akik nem - nekik pedig azért (hátha kedvet kapnak hozzá).
Azt azt hiszem, már mondanom sem kell, hogy ismételten mennyire lenyűgöztek diákjaim kreativitásukkal, technikai tudásukkal, s azzal, hogy ilyen fiatalon ilyen szép videókat, prezentációkat készítettek. Lehet, hogy van itt-ott egy-két baki, de (bár nem tudhatom igaz-e), mélyen magaménak vallom azt az eszmét, melyet a legértékesebb indiai szőnyeget szövő szövőnők munkájában jelenik meg: a hatalmas, gyönyörű és bonyolult mintázatú szőnyegek mindegyikébe beleszőnek egyetlen apró "hibát", melyet külső szemlélő nem is vesz észre, de ezzel a szövőnők mégis jelezni tudják, hogy tökéleteset emberi kéz nem alkothat, mert tökéletes ember nem létezik. Mindenki a maga tökéletlenségével lesz egyedi, önálló és szerethető lény. Számomra ez nagyon fontos üzenet, így kérem, ne az esetleges nyelvbotlásokat, elírásokat keressék a prezentációkban, hanem szeressék őket nagyon, ahogyan én is szerettem mind a videókat, mind pedig a gyerekeket, akik készítették őket.

(Vereckei Réka - magyartanár)

In honor of the 10th grade students transitioning into a new chapter in both their academic and personal lives, they were asked to choose a transition related prompt and share some of the inspirational wisdom they have gathered up until this point. 

Camila Robles - Motivational speech

Success is not given, it is earned. With a combination of hard work, passion, and the capability we are destined to achieve. 

Success is probably what everyone wants. In life there are going to be many obstacles that will try to hold you back, but if you are truly determined, then you can achieve anything you want. There are 4 keys to success in life, these keys are: firstly, you need to know what you want and where you would like to go. Secondly, set a time frame in which you want to achieve this goal. Thirdly, every day do something new that will take you one step closer towards your goal. Last but not least, keep going, keep persisting until you succeed. Never give up. Nothing is easy, nothing will ever be easy. That is why you have to seek knowledge and not results. If you focus on the journey, the motivation will never die. Although, if you focus on getting instant results, you will be left stuck in an empty space expecting things that will never be there. Therefore, make the journey exciting, come up with new ideas as to how you could get even closer to your goal. Another thing is, never rely on others, it is all on you. In life, everyone wants to leave a mark, or have a great impact on people, but you have to remember that some dreams may fall short, and it is okay, forgive yourself, instead of giving up and leaving everything behind, focus on your path ahead, set a new goal for yourself. Not everything works out in life, but everything is worth a try. There will be many challenges, so you have to be thick skinned, in order to get through it all. Which explains why there are just a few successful people. You have to always dive in at new opportunities when you have the chance. 

To conclude, being successful is very predictable, if you are successful, you will have an advantage over people who didn’t or do not know the strategies to become successful. Success is more than just money and fame. It is the simple feeling of achievement within yourself. Never give up until you get what you want. Success is a journey that even when the goal is reached, still continues. If you stick to all of what I have mentioned above. Nothing will or can stop you. 

Anna Sárközi - Inspiration diary entry set in the future during the first week of 11th grade 

It’s my 1st week at 11th grade and till now it seems to be super awesome. I mean yeah sure we do have a lot more to study here, but the things we are taught here is interesting.

The lunch this week was a bit better than last year, so I hope that it will continue to improve or else I might become a vegetarian that lives on apples, water and sandwiches. 

Maybe these 2 years won’t go as smoothly as they have up until now, but I am hopeful and if I study diligently and do research after the topics that we study, then everything should be alright. 

I am so happy that finally we could choose our subjects that we wanted to study. My favourite subjects of the week were Economics and Theory of Knowledge. I have multiple reasons for that, first of all they are both fun, make me think and in my opinion both of them are very useful. I said that they are useful, because I have realized some kind of connection between the two of them, which is that they are both related to people. The Theory of Knowledge is mostly about understanding people and their behaviour and Economics is strongly related to us humans, so if I want to understand Economics, I must understand the people as well.

I have also found the universities that I would like to apply to so next week maybe I should speak with the tutor about that, but maybe it is too early now since this was only the first week of the school.  

I hope that this year will go well, but I know that it depends on me.


P3 Graduation

It was that time of year again where we farewelled P3 who formally graduated from the preschool on Wednesday. This year's graduation was anything but normal with the current pandemic protocols making our traditional ceremony of having parents join us at school an impossibility. Despite these limitations, the ceremony continued with virtual graduation, inviting family to watch the live proceedings online.

The morning started with P3 making the rounds around the preschool visiting the P1 and P2 classes who prepared farewell songs and poems. The procession returned back to the P3 classroom for the formal proceedings where P3 performed their graduation songs in Hungarian, Spanish and English. Each student also prepared a graduation poem that they recited flawlessly in front of their teacher’s Orsi, Regi, Hayden and Alvaro who joined us via google meet in Spain.

To complete the ceremony Ms Gabriella Girdro presented each student with their preschool diploma formally closing the first chapter of what we hope will be nothing but success and happiness within SEK Budapest.

Hayden Bryant - Preschool Teacher


Exploring the Outer Space
3rd Grade students have learned how scientists explore the outer space. Like the SPACE X Mission that launched last Saturday, our students built their own robots to explore Mars.
Miss Maru Barba
Science Teacher
Colegio Internacional SEK Guadalajara

Story Time
How beautiful it is to foster creative development and allow children to develop their imaginations through children's literature.
 It is always important to get them to express their feelings and emotions, especially by transmitting that love for reading, thus creating a habit to stimulate their memory and to develop language through stories.
By Teacher Tany
Panama Prep International School


SEK Budapest International School
1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 131.
phone: +36 1 394 29 68
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