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Email me about Qi Gong Classes
Free "Follow Along" Dance Party classes in Peckham Rye Park

Its funny what new paths being in Lockdown for two and a half months leads you down. For me not being able to go to the gym for yoga classes (or to Vauxhall Tavern to dance!) led me to look online for some exercise to do to keep fit and have fun at the same time.

I stumbled upon Ryan Heffington - a choreographer from L.A. who has been streaming 60 minute "Follow Along" Dance Party classes on Instagram - with dance moves like "The Cowboy", "The Happy Hippy" and "The Grapevine". Not only do you get a good workout, you also end the class with a huge smile on your face.

I've been doing these classes alone in my bedroom for a few weeks now, but it occurred to me that it would be a lot more fun to do with a few other people. And if I can follow along to Qi Gong classes  in the park (just with my phone wedged between the branches of a tree, connected to a bluetooth speaker), then why not try it with dance classes too?

If you are interested and not too afraid of having fun/ making a fool of yourself in public send me an email. If enough people are interested we can arrange a regular time and place to meet and ... dance ourselves silly!

Like the Qi Gong classes, I dont intend to charge anything for these classes as its not like I'm a qualified dance teacher or anything. Its more a way for me to keep fit and have fun while I'm not working and while gyms are still closed.
Email me about Dance Classes
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