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Gene's "Consciously Harmony" SALE
...simply letting that which is dead & dying unravel

11% OFF Coupon for Your Total Order
     is now available on the website until MONDAY, June 8th, Midnight Pacific! new On-Sale Items to check out
Dear friend,

What a potent stew...such deep alchemy...we humans have concocted for ourselves:
1) a microbial pandemic
2) triggering a brutal challenge to our fragile, dysfunctional political and economic systems
3) the inherent racism of our country's history and the inequities baked into the make-up of many of our law-enforcement agencies.

Humanity is experiencing an immense Bi-Furcation Point (which I've gone off on at length in this newsletter over the past few years) when a system or organism "heats up" (or "speeds up") all of its dysfunctionalities rise to the surface to where the container cannot hold and it "BiFurcates"
...meaning it either 

  • Dies, or
  • Re-organizes at a higher level of functionality*

"Normal" (aka "same old same old") is dead and gone. Never coming back., you, me, us...are the co-creators of what happens next.

This is NOT anyone else's job. [Do I need to repeat this?]

So, we might as we be on with it

Thank you to all who have been supporting "Black Lives Matter" (from someone born and raised in "Jim Crow" Texas).
Thank you to all who have been working to keep us heathy and well.
Thank you to all who have been active in keeping the economy flowing and others supported.

Being a Change Agent in 2020

My experiences and explorations over the past 78 years leave me with these gleanings: 

The Outer Reality reflects my Inner Terrain. Quantum physicists and Tibetan Buddhists separately agree that we literally dream up the Consensual Reality.

If that is the case, my first priority therefore has to be my inner personal consciousness and the harmony or lack of harmony with which I navigate reality.

Because, if I am embodying polarization, judging others (or myself), fighting with Life As It Is...then I am Part of the Problem (as the saying has been for several decades now).

If, however, I am largely at peace with myself and can extract myself from the existential terror that permeates much of the collective consciousness during these times, then I am an expression of the solution. 

Slipping into fear or despair is human but we are at choice in terms of how long we stay. Yes, FEEL the fear or despair, but do not fuse with them. Feel them and be informed by them, but at some point we must move on. 

The esteemed writer Clarissa Pinko Estes wrote a profound essay in 2003, Letter to a Young Activist, in which these lines appear:
"I too have felt despair many times in my life, but I do not keep a chair for it; I will not entertain it. It is not allowed to eat from my plate. The reason is this: In my uttermost bones I know something, as do you. It is that there can be no despair when you remember why you came to Earth, who you serve, and who sent you here. The good words we say and the good deeds we do are not ours: They are the words and deeds of the One who brought us here." 

Embedded fear can be deadly...seriously weakening our immune function. It depletes our creativity...and our ability to co-create the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible [Charles Eisenstein's powerful vision/phrase].

The most powerful "tool" or "technology" I have discovered for protecting myself from depleting emotions and staying emotionally centered has been the simplest, the most natural of mammalian activities: breath
...conscious breath
...surrendered breathing

in the act of increasingly, more fully 
[I am looking at doing a webinar (Zoom class) on this If you are interested in knowing more and being kept abreast on this, please email me at 
transitionguide22 [at]

Meanwhile, please stay safe & Be Well, 
* Ilya Prigogine's "Theory of Dissipative Structures" describing bifurcation points won a Nobel Prize in the 1970s.
P.S.: this newsletter shares ongoing information and perspectives on physical and energetic health/ well as 'awakening' in consciousness. It frequently focuses on the under-reported, radical benefits of Tachyon emanation of the QUANTUM Field (aka Zero Point Field) which is the Source of e v e r y t h i n g.

In my experience of it over the past 19 years, Tachyon is a carrier of harmony and coherence...and cultivates and entrains those qualities in all that it touches. It has the capacity to mitigate the harmful effects and protect us against EMFs, 5G technology and other forms of "dirty electricity" well as nurturing and fortifying our body and personal energy fields for navigating These Times, with greater grace, power and satisfaction than we otherwise would. 

Check out (with its 30-day return/refund policy) if you feel so moved...

There is another section below, for the critical
"Radical New 5G Freedom Pendant"
...which, I would humbly submit, is worth checking out
NOTE: the anxiety and stress of these challenging times...both within ourselves and loved ones, and from the Collective Consciousness...can further spiral us down by disrupting our precious sleep. As this section illustrates, support is available.

Radical New 5G Freedom Pendant

Brand-New but a pendant long in development. Seemingly the most powerful,
the most protective
the most healing & nurturing pendant yet.

3 styles! Check it out (remembering that you have 30 days to decide whether to keep it or not)

Three more truly critical types of products now, given the need to support our Cellular Health: Tachyon Protection against 5G Dangers & Risks
Be sure to do what you can to e way to support your own essential rest and rejuvenation...and that of your loved ones...with Tachyon Natural Sleep Aids 

BOOSTING IMMUNE FUNCTION: 30 years developing items to fortify our bodies, our immune system and personal energy fields to
withstand radiation and microbial challenges when they occur, and to
be fully restored to Health & Wholeness after bouts of illness. swept away by the energetic "miracles" of Tachyon...
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