We’ve been sending out many different resources, tools and templates. To help keep them organized we created a new Parish Resources tool. You can find it on the homepage of the Archdiocese website under the “Coronavirus Updates & Info”.
Approving Parish Plans
Please note that all reopening plans must be turned in by Noon on Thursday to SeattleMass2020@seattlearch.org. Please be sure your plans include details for both phase 1 and phase 2.
Posters for Parish
To help communicate changes to your parishioners, we created a set of posters for you. These can not only be printed and posted, but should also be on your website, newsletter and bulletins.
Webinar: Reopening Q&A
We are hosting a webinar next Monday at 10:30 a.m. to answer your questions about reopening. Please send your questions in to SeattleMass2020@seattlearch.org and we’ll do our best to address the on the webinar. Click here to register.