June, 2020

COVID 19 Update


Although some restrictions have eased for COVID 19, there are still measures in place to continue to protect our community which is impacting Fishcare Victorias delivery of school fishing excursions and in-class activities across the state.

The safety of our volunteers, staff and community is of the utmost importance and because of this, Fishcare Victoria volunteers and staff will not be delivering any community fishing clinics over the winter period. We are anticipating a spring return and we will continue to assess risks and make informed decisions regarding our safe return to workshop delivery.

The Fishcare Victoria team will continue to focus on developing our online resource library over the coming weeks. There is already a suite of new lesson plans available that align with the school curriculum as well as new video tutorials and activity sheets. See the below articles for more details on this.

The Fishcare Victoria team thanks you for your support and understanding during this time and we look forward to wetting a line with students and young and novice anglers in Spring!!

Many Thanks,

Sarah Van Stokrom

Executive Officer - Fishcare Victoria

Video Tutorials - How to Cast

We have been busy developing a suite of video tutorials to assist in educating young and novice anglers about how to get involved in fishing and how to fish responsibly. Tutorials include rod and reel assembly, fish handling, how to measure fish, how to fillet fish and much more. Stay tuned for more videos in the coming weeks.

Online Resource Library

Fishcare Victoria has developed a series of free lesson plans for schools to utilise which are all aligned with the curriculum. We have also created a library of activity sheets and books that support our responsible fishing messages. They are free and can be downloaded from our website. We will be continually adding to these resources so be sure to keep checking for updates.

School Lesson Plans
Activity Books and Worksheets

Marine Litter


Plastic pollution has become a serious global environmental concern with the United Nations estimating there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish by 2050 (UN News, 2017). In particular, it is the single-use plastic items (straws, plastic bottles and plastic bags) that remain as persistent materials in our marine environment, overtime breaking down into macro plastics (>5mm) and then microplastics (<5mm) and finding their way into the food chain causing injury and even death in marine life such as seals, penguins, birds, turtles and fish through ingestion.

Learn more about marine litter

Virtual Fish Count


Since 2002 the Great Victorian Fish count has been monitoring fish across the Victorian coast to an effort to improve our knowledge of Victoria’s Marine Species. You can now take part in a Virtual Fish count from the comfort of your own home! Footage from ReefCam located at Popes Eye Marine National Parks in Port Phillip Bay was recorded to verify results from a previous fish count. You can use this footage to practice the skill of counting fish!

Read more about virtual fish count

Snapper in Port Phillip


Juvenile snapper have been swarming Port Phillip Bay in recent months; feeding aggressively and being found extensively. These young snapper, known as ‘pinkies’ are showing up in schools we have not experienced for many years and studies conducted by Fisheries Scientist Paul Haymer, may just reveal why!


Read more about snapper

Marine Pests


Marine pests are highly invasive non-native animals and plants that can reproduce quickly and outcompete native species; damaging our unique marine environments.  Victorian temperate waters are home to a variety of unique marine wildlife; infact 85% are found nowhere is in the world. Therefore, taking good care of this ecosystem is extremely important. 

Read more about marine pests

Fish in focus - Flathead

Flathead are caught on a range of fishing tackle from light rods used in boats to surf casting tackle. Sinker weight should be chosen according to the desired casting distance and line from 3-8 kg can be used successfully. Fish can be caught on either running sinker or paternoster rigs. A particularly good method is to drag the bait slowly across the bottom as occurs when fishing whilst drifting in a boat also caught on a variety of lures and soft plastics. Flathead can be caught at all stages of the tide. 

Learn more about Flathead

Learn more about other fish species
Be a responsible fisher!

Now that COVID 19 restrictions are being eased and you are able to go fishing, it is important to adhere to social distancing guidelines as well as ensure you are being a responsible angler. Here are some tips to stay safe and support a sustainable fishing future.

Keep your distance
Keep your distance and stay 1.5 metres away from others. Practice good hygiene and stay at home if you are unwell.

Know the limits
Know the Victorian fishing regulations including fishing gear restrictions, catch limits and area closures. Don’t take more than you need and let the little ones go!

Use fish-friendly tackle
Circle hooks and knotless landing nets can reduce stress and damage to fish that are to be released

Return unwanted or undersized fish to the water
Use the right techniques to help increase released fish survival.

Take your rubbish with you
Reduce the impact of litter on our waterways and aquatic environment.

Help maintain water quality and fish habitat
Use designated access tracks along the shoreline to try and help reduce erosion and damage to bankside vegetation.
Are you passionate about responsible fishing & protecting our aquatic resources? Click here to become a volunteer!
Help us educate future responsible anglers by clicking here and making a donation
Sarah Van Stokrom
Executive Officer
0437 672 242
Mitch McMaster
Geelong & Bellarine Facilitator
0448 546 703
Jenny Allitt
East Gippsland Facilitator
0400 008 081
Elysia Gustafson
Port Phillip & Westernport All Abililty Facilitator
0423 588 345
Fishcare Victoria is a community based not-for-profit organisation promoting responsible and sustainable attitudes and practices amongst recreational anglers and the wider community. 
Copyright © 2020 Fishcare Victoria Inc. All rights reserved.

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