Call to Artists for Backend Database!
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Call to Artists for Backend Database
What is the Backend Artwork Database? It is where we house works not published on the website. We organize the folders by subject matter and artist name to pitch to clients for jobs, creating additional opportunities for you to sell your artwork.

As you know, this is a rapidly growing segment of our business, so it is in your best interest to keep us updated on what you’re working on.
What to Submit
We are currently accepting submissions for photography and fine art prints for the following categories; Architecture, Architectural Detail, Louisiana Landscapes, Nature + Botanicals, and Abstracts. If you are a painter or illustrator, be sure you have catalogued your work in a way that can be reproduced.

You must have a high res scan or photograph of your work for it to be eligible for the pitch.
We don’t want to sell something to a client that has sold that you have no way of creating a print for. 
Vincente Weber
Louisiana Landscapes
Debbie Willson
Nature + Botanicals
Mary Singleton
Connor McManus
Debbie Boyd
Kris Muntan
How to Submit
Step 1: Log in to your Dropbox account or set up a Dropbox account of your own.  All you need is an email address and a password to create an account.

Step 2: Create a folder in your Dropbox by right clicking and choosing 'New Folder'.  Please label each folder like this: 
First Name_Last Name_Category. (Ex. Heather_Booth_Nature)

Categories include:
Abstracts, Figurative, Louisiana Landscapes, Nature + Botanicals, New Orleans Architecture, Architectural Detail, and misc.

Step 3: Open the folder and click "Upload" at the top right. Then you can upload your files
(Note: Files do not have to be Hi-Res, as they will only be used as samples and hi-res will take longer to upload).

Your individual files need to be titled like this: 
First Name_Last Name_Title_Category_Medium_Dimension  
(Ex. Heather_Booth_NiceDay_Nature_Painting_11x17) 
If you offer multiple sizes, like photography or giclee prints:
(Ex. Heather_Booth_Nice Day_Painting_Multiplesizes)

Step 4: Share. Once all your files are uploaded into your the folder, click "share" > create a link or type Heather's email address, and send!
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