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20 June 2020


Stonehenge, in England, was built in three phases between about 3,000 B.C. and 1,600 B.C., and its purpose remains under study. However, it’s known that if you stand in just the right place inside the Stonehenge monument on the day of the northern summer solstice, facing northeast through the entrance towards a rough-hewn stone outside the circle – known as the Heel Stone – you will see the sun rise above the Heel Stone, as illustrated in the image at the top.

This huge megalithic monument shows how carefully our ancestors watched the sun. Astronomical observations such as these surely controlled human activities such as the mating of animals, the sowing of crops and the metering of winter reserves between harvests. Stonehenge is perhaps the most famous of of the ancient astronomical monuments found around the world.

 "The summer solstice is a celebration of the return to light, and it so powerfully reminds us of the light within each of us and the full potential of our individuated as well as united light or christ consciousness (our cosmic sense of unity). It is about awakening, or reaching enlightenment, as an omnipotent symbol of ascension and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness."

"The progress of the sun throughout the year symbolises the process of attaining enlightenment, and the summer solstice is the final climax of this journey as the day of most light in the year. It symbolises the ascension found in many great spiritual teachings. At the spring equinox, the resurrection and return of the Son/sun to the Mother goddess is celebrated. Following this, the summer solstice symbolises the return/ascension to the Great Father Spirit. It is a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness in the individual, and the return to wholeness in which the Son, Mother Goddess, and Father God become one great unified consciousness—a complete, whole, and powerful light that enlightens the individual."

 "The Summer Solstice is aligned with the element of fire, passion, will & drive. This is the time to seek right action, to choose to walk in alignment with your beliefs. Now is the time for you to look at the grander scope of your life and spiritual path and take note of what is out of alignment. What doesn't serve you? What things do you tell yourself or others that are not in line with what you preach? What things do you do that do not serve your personal and spiritual growth?"




Created By

Universal Spiritual Consultant
Ascending Wisdom

Following the amazing success of these cards, having sold out of the first edition in 5 weeks, we have taken delivery of new stock and continue to ship them around the world.


To qualify for a Free Gift purchase 2 Sets of Light Code Cards either for yourself, a friend or by recommending friends, any combination is acceptable.

To receive your Free Gift please use the following code and ensure that purchases, recommended by you, includes your name and the code when placing an order. 

Special Offer Code PLC 55

OFFER ENDS - 4 July 2020

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Wow, what an incredible journey we've all been on during this unprecedented time, life has been very interesting and certainly challenging in some aspects. Whilst change takes us out of a comfort zone it is generally for our highest good.

However, this time has given people an opportunity to explore different avenues, including spirituality. Personally, I have been inundated with opportunities to facilitate Readings, Mentoring, Meditations, Development Classes, Live Q&A Sessions and so much more. It has truly been an incredible time and I feel blessed to have been part of people’s journeys and to see them grow exponentially.

As we emerge from the perceived 'darkness', not forgetting that there have been some very sad times, we are moving swiftly forward into the light and what is being called the 'New Normal' but what is normal? It's a little difficult to define, however, perhaps we should now be exploring what being Natural is. 

What Is The Difference Between Normal & Natural?

Normal = Expectation - Obligation - Conformity - Control - Fear

Natural = Not Being Normal !!!

Wouldn't that feel better?

I guess your next question is "How Do I Become Natural?"

In the simplest terms you could walk a path of light to align you with your truth. This path will assist you to understand who you really are, to leave 'Normal' behind and start gliding along the 'Natural' path.

Maybe this is where I come in? I have developed my 'Natural' over many years and have accumulated multiple skills and gifts to assist others in developing theirs. Do you feel a calling to develop or enhance your 'Natural' abilities and free yourself the 'Normal'?

If so, please visit the Ascending Wisdom Websites where you can browse your options and choose a path that's right for you. Should you desire a combination of teachings then a Unique Development Programme can be created especially for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this bulletin and we look forward to hearing from you and guiding you along YOUR Natural Path.

Love & Blessings
xXx Nicola xXx 

Website Link for Ascending Wisdom
Website Link for Ascending Wisdom Academy

Nicola works with people from all over the world, in person, via the internet and by phone. If you would like to enquire or book an appointment please use the button below.
Book An Appointment With Nicola Farmer
Lockdown Student Testimonial
"When I first began my seven-week Spiritual Mentoring Course with Nicola Farmer, my main ambition was to be able to strengthen my communication with spirit, however I never expected we would be able to take it to the levels that we did within that short time. For several years I have experienced dizzy spells, trembling, heart palpitations, and nausea, all of which I perceived to be symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder. However, under the guidance of Nicola I have since discovered that these feelings were in fact spirit trying to communicate with me, which has been a huge revelation for me – One that fills me with great excitement. I feel extreme levels of gratitude for the journey I am beginning, and am so thankful to Nicola for sharing her time with me. Not only has this course enhanced my spiritual development, it has also boosted my confidence and opened up avenues for me that previously I hadn’t considered."

Please send your suggestions to Glynis by clicking on the following email address
If you have purchased a set of Light Code Ascension Cards, why not book an appointment/assessment to learn more about their uses and to develop your senses to connect with energy and Light Beings.
Further Details HERE
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