Creating essential habitat in our community for our vital & vulnerable pollinators
June 19th, 2020
The life cycle of a Monarch butterfly
Two Virtual Presentations
Ecological Landscape Designer
Karin Ursula Edmondson!
Photo by Mark Loete
Getting to Know Your Landscape:
Site Inventory and Analysis

June 25th, 7pm
Register here
Working with Your Landscape:
Planting and Care of Native Plants

July 9th, 7pm
Register here

With the ecological approach to gardening knowing what your site offers in terms of sun, moisture, soil and existing plants is paramount to the success of your planting project. The Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway has invited master ecological landscape designer Karin Ursula Edmondson back for two more virtual presentations to help us get to know what we are working with in our own landscapes.

Karin Ursula Edmondson’s first presentation Getting to Know Your Landscape will focus on how one can familiarize themselves with their own landscape by identifying the plants already growing and how to analyze your specific site conditions. In her second presentation Ursula Edmondson will focus on how to plant and care for native plants with special emphasis placed on native pollinator-friendly plants. Both programs will be one hour in length with Q&A periods. Each presentation will be offered free on Zoom and live streamed on the Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway’s Facebook page
Caterpillars all around!
We are passionate about our local pollinators! We started this project to encourage our friends, neighbors, and the community at large to join us in our passion for these wonderfully beneficial yet vulnerable beings. We have spent countless hours working to offer advice on ways to create pollinator habitat through careful landscaping choices. Now we would like to offer some information about a few of the local pollinators we have been working so hard in our yards & gardens to plant for. 
Butterflies & Moths are specialists, meaning they need specific plants to sustain their lifecycles. Those sustaining plants are referred to as host plants. For example, the Monarch Butterfly cannot survive without Milkweed. Monarchs lay their eggs exclusively on the underside of Milkweed leaves, they do this because the Milkweed leaf is the only food source for the Monarch's larva or caterpillar. Without Milkweed Monarch Caterpillars will not survive, Milkweed is the Monarch Caterpillars' only host plant. 

Not all butterfly & moth species are as dependent on one specific host plant like the Monarch but most have only a handful or fewer host plants that will sustain reproduction. 

Why caterpillars are not pests
Doug Tallamy the renowned ecologist has said "Life as we know it depends on insects. If insects were to disappear most flowering plants would go extinct." Doug points to a recent study that "caterpillars dominate the nestling diets in 16 out of 20 bird families." What makes caterpillars so appealing to mother birds is that they are highly nutritious and soft so they can stuff them down the throats of their babies. It takes between six and nine thousand caterpillars to feed a brood of chickadees.  But to turn into butterflies, caterpillars need to complete their life cycle. Possibly on a tree, but more likely among flower beds or leaf litter, and for this reason, fallen leaves should be left undisturbed until the late fall.

Explore, Photograph, Identify, and Share!
We encourage you to get out in your own yard or garden to find, photograph, and ID your caterpillars and their host plants! Use the following link for some useful tips & tricks to aid you in your search
We recommend using iNaturalist either on your smartphone or desktop to help you identify the caterpillars you may find.

Please share your caterpillar and host plant photos with us, we'd love to see them! Send your photos to

Let's take a closer look at a few of our local caterpillars and their host plants.
Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar
Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar on milkweed. Photo by Del Orloske
Left: Mature Monarch Butterfly. Right: Milkweed
The Monarch Caterpillars' only host plant is milkweed.
Eastern Black Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar
Eastern Black Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar on Parsley. Photo by Del Orloske
Left: Mature Eastern Black Swallowtail Butterfly. Right: Curled Parsely.
The black swallowtail caterpillars' host plants include Angelicas, Golden Alexander and non-native umbellifers.
Sycamore Tussock Moth Caterpillar
The Sycamore Tussock Moth Caterpillar on an American Sycamore tree. Photo by Del Orloske.
Left: Mature Sycamore Tussock Moth. Right: American Sycamore Tree.
The Sycamore Tussock Moth Caterpillars' host plant is the American Sycamore Tree.
Show us your gardens! Send in beautiful photos!

We are so excited that so many of you have joined the Pathway, creating habitat for pollinators! We want to encourage others in the community to join to make sure the Pathway project is as successful as possible.  One way to do that is to share beautiful & inspirational photos of the pollinator gardens of those already on the Pathway.

Send your pollinator garden photos to so we can share them in our weekly emails and on our social media channels.

Let's work together to get the community buzzing about creating pollinator habitat!
Community Connections

Willow cuttings offered 
A Pollinator Pathway participant has willow cuttings to share, if you are interested please email
Why sharing our pathway efforts with your neighbors matters! 

The Woodstock Pollinator Pathway's main goal is to build a "pathway" of closely connected pollinator-friendly habitats, neighborhood by neighborhood.  Many pollinators cannot fly far without access to food and shelter. And our individual yards are part of a larger ecosystem that pollinators need to move around in. A pathway creates connected pollinator-friendly areas in our own and our neighbors' yards. It is vital to our efforts to ask you to speak to your neighbors and encourage them to join this effort.  
In Case You Missed it!

All of our video resources and recorded webinars are now available in one place!
Check out our YouTube channel here
The Map
The map shows the pollinator areas created by people who have joined the Woodstock, NY Pollinator Pathway.  We hope to have pollinator gardens as close together as possible so that pollinators can fly easily from one to another.  So, encourage your neighbors to create pollinator habitat and join the pathway!
When making a donation please make note the donation is for the Pollinator Pathway.
Join the pathway & find resources at our website
Copyright © 2020 Woodstock Pollinator Pathway, All rights reserved.

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