As a result of the pandemic over the last several months, we have welcomed many new faces to our farm. Whether you've just discovered our farm as you avoid the larger stores or you've enjoyed coming here for years, we'd like to take this opportunity to reintroduce ourselves and say thank you for supporting our farm.
2020 marks 75 years of keeping agriculture alive and well in Sutton for our family! Though we changed the farm's name a couple times along the way, 75 years represents generations of hard work and preservation. Today, Whittier Farms is a diversified fruit and vegetable, dairy, beef, and crop farm. We are a proud member-owner of the Cabot Creamery Cooperative (all the milk from our cows is bought by Cabot for their award winning dairy products!!) and a founding member of Central Mass Grown (promoting local agriculture grown in the heart of the Commonwealth). Whittier Farms stewards 500 acres of land, of which 380 acres is protected for production agriculture under the Massachusetts Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program. In addition to the grass, hay, and corn we grow to feed our cows, we also grow seasonal produce and fall decor. This summer, you can expect snap peas, summer squash, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, melons, beans, blueberries, broccoli, cucumbers, and cabbage from our gardens. In the fall, pumpkins, gourds, cornstalks, Indian corn, and winter squash harvested from our fields will be available. In the comfort of our barns, we care for more than 200 dairy and beef animals following the National Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program, which aligns with the Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Program, providing best management practices and accountability for our cows' health, safety, and welfare.
Supporting our farm, by shopping our farm store if your local or by purchasing Cabot Creamery Cooperative dairy products at your local grocery store if you don't live close to us, means the world to us. Your purchases not only support our family, staff, and business but help to keep the beautiful scenic view provided by our fields planted, harvested, and maintained each season. Thank you for supporting Whittier Farms. Please be sure to introduce yourself next time we meet, if we haven't already!
Copyright © 2020 Whittier Farms, All rights reserved.

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