 I hope that you are keeping safe and well and sorry to be rather slow in sending this reminder about refugee week. [It's nearly over]  
I'm also sorry to say that I've rather lacked focus in the last few weeks and felt very despondent at the derisory increase in the asylum support grant, the shocking death of George Floyd and the violent protests following this. I've rarely felt so powerless . I did join in a virtual Black Lives Matter protest last weekend but I'm not sure that I felt any better or that attending it meant that I had achieved anything.
Anyway enough about me.
Here are some actions that we can all take from home -
City of Sanctuary has a long list of actions that are worth working through.
There may be some things that would interest you in the Migration Matters Festival which is online over the weekend.
Sue let me know about this film ' The girl from  Mogadishu' which you might be able to catch tonight or early tomorrow.
 AND Janet  Bodily is kindly making up beautiful cloth face masks- 3 for £10. All money comes to HBTSR. These are two layer cloth masks with a pocket space to put in a piece of kitchen roll, a paper mask or a filter paper.  If you are interested please let me know and I will pass on your interest to Janet.
all good wishes and please keep safe,



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HBTSR exists to show and promote support for people forced to seek sanctuary by offering time out to people in need, raising money to help other groups who assist and support and by asking for more humane policies for people seeking sanctuary.

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