The photo above is one of the last zoom calls with our international students for this school year! It was a blessing to pour into students from around the world, even as they moved back to their home countries since COVID!


2014: We were part of the pioneering summer mission to Florianopolis (Flo), Brazil. Honestly, it was a very hard summer. We were the first missions group to go to this location, and we were preparing our group to minister to Catholics. 

Unfortunately for us and what we prepared for, there were few Catholics on the college campuses. The majority of students from Flo did not believe in absolute truth (and some barely believed in any semblance of truth at all). This was an example of a conversation we had numerous times with students,"You don’t believe in absolute truth?" Student, "No, I do not." "Do you believe that there is a tree right there (pointing to a tree)?” Student, "Well, if you believe there is a tree there, then there is a tree there. If you don't believe that, then there doesn't have to be a tree there." 

We were at a loss for how to share the truth about Christ with them if together we couldn't agree that truth in and of itself wasn't relative, especially in such extreme ways. In addition to this hard soil, the language barrier was very intense.

Kyle and I ended the mission feeling defeated and sad, as we only saw one person come to Christ and no movement among the college students start. 
This year I (Marcia) have the privilege to lead interns with Cru in a sexual wholeness program. One of the ladies I am ministering to was in Flo on STINT (as an international missionary). She told me that they are no longer needed in this part of Brazil as there are an abundance of Christian students who are making disciples on the campuses in that city! I was truly astonished at what the Lord did in just a few short years!

HE IS FAITHFUL. We must trust in Him to do GREAT things!

"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth." 1 Corinthians 3:6


Picture of Jabin with some of his cousins! Jabin is so excited to have Haden to play with soon!

Needless to say, COVID has upended all that we expected this season of life to look like. Right now we would have been on summer mission in Ghana, sharing the gospel on college campuses and working with boys rescued from labor trafficking. We are investing our time the best we can, but I (Kyle) would be lying if I did not say that this has been a really confusing and hard season. Students have been so hard to reach, and planning for the future seems futile. We know God has a purpose and a plan, please pray for our patience as we wait to see and hear it!


  • Praise God with us that we will be able to meet Haden within 2-4 months! 
  • Pray that the students and interns we are ministering to this summer walk deeper with the Lord

  • Pray that those who we are not able to minister to directly in Ghana are able to come to know the Lord and live in a safe and healthy environment

Kyle & Marcia Post
3406 Leith Lane              616.299.1651
Louisville, KY 40218       616.635.7249
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