Hello Master <<First Name>>,
Two weeks ago,

we said we’ll speak about self motivation
on the following week.

The following week was a live demonstration
of the number 1 reason to move:

A strong fundamental WHY.
While the inevitable demand for a profound change
keeps shaking the social numbness,
it’s also our responsibility, like we said last time,
to support and enable the external developments
by turning in and making sure
we vibrate the vibration we want to see around us.

So, if we wish to see a movement towards positivity, awareness, productivity, creation
instead of sabotage, negativity and destruction –
let’s see how we first create this powerful, inspiring frequency inside.

Before we continue, may I share a cheerful announcement? :
This week we are resuming the Meetup group sessions – Online!
This first time is going to be FREE

If you’re interested in joining great 2 hours
of self growth, empowerment and actualization
with like minded soulful people -
RSVP now:
Online Inner Freedom
Execution was always a challenge for me.

For years, I held this story that ‘I don’t know how to move myself into action’.

Why do I call it a story?
there are these realizations we come to,
after a few times of trials and failures,  
that we are not good at, or capable of, certain things.
We then accept these conclusions as a fact,
therefore stop seeking success,
and by that making them be over and over reinforced,
and prove that they are true.
So, it could take me forever to act on my wants and ideas.
And although I've always been very disciplined and dedicated,
manifestation, in my mind, was never my strong suit.
On the other hand,
I did acknowledge that I still did many things,
some of them really big.
I’d tried to crack this riddle for many years,
until I learned that there are two totally different things:

1. Self motivation
2. Inner drive
Self motivation
Since childhood,

we got used to drawing our motivation from external sources, like:
validation, marks, comparison, competition.
Being disciplined and being excellent at the right field,
was the safest guarantee for acceptance and belonging.
These sources surrounded us naturally;
We related to them,
held them as a constant encouragement for reaction,
and could find our way through joining or resistance.
In any case, we had a comparison point.
Hardly were we taught how to draw motivation from inside,
most often, because our passions were denied and dismissed.
Moving by the energy of passion
was usually sporadic, occasional,
and not intentionally and consciously led and mastered
like other blending-in skills would be.

Growing up,

we are theoretically independent, and not forced anymore.
Still - approval, appreciation and competition are around,
and act as a strong motivator.
But we are also able to consider the weight of the potential ‘punishment’
against our will and enthusiasm,
and if the push is not strong enough,
we may not move.

Self drive, or inner drive,
is a strong push that comes from within.

This is not an unconscious random impulse
but a proven reliable, energetic, conscious engine
built on stable deep foundations
and maintained and updated in accordance with life changes and learnings.
It aspires to grow, experience, explore, expand 
and fulfill the tremendous potential hidden in everything.

Does it sounds like something you would love to develop?

Follow this how to:

8 principles of inner drive

1. WHY
Know your strong fundamental WHY
What makes you wake up in the morning, get out of bed?
What your profound hope and faith are based on?
Task / Project:
What is your deep meaningful reason to believe
this is a task or a project you should perform?

2. HOW
Acknowledge your uniqueness
What is the inimitable light that you shine?
What are your strengths, gifts, superpowers?
What is the indispensable value you bring into a room, into the world?
Task / Project:
A co-creator always creates,
be it a clean garage, a complete paperwork,
a flowery garden or a new Broadway show.
What is your unique approach to this task or project,
that makes it an irreplicable creation?

Have an inspiring vision
How your ideal life looks like?
What is your big picture?
Where are you aiming?
What is your growth path 
and the opportunity for exploration and enlightenment it has for you?
Task / Project:
What is the full picture, the achievment?
What experience and growth are you going to gain
through its execution and up to the completion?

Refine your plan
There are 3 main reasons for procrastination:
The 'how to' or the results are not clear:  
All you need is the first step.
Start, trust, remember your vision.
The rest will unfold.

- Where and how can you find the missing information to begin?
The process is perceived unpleasant:  
- What is the growth potential that it has for you?
The consequences are perceived unpleasant:  
- Shed thoughts… just remember and stick with your big why.

Connect and communicate
Don’t ‘work on’… work ‘with’.

Everything is connected, vibrates together.
All your questions were already answered…

Communication is the best way to shed light and find solutions.

Talk to your tasks, projects, feelings, emotions,
the items around you…

Just ask, open your heart, listen,
and receive the information you need to unravel, focus and proceed.   

Learn your energy cycle
Everyone has a different energy flow.
What is yours?

Keep track of your days, realize your cycles,
shape your reality in the most productive and enjoyable way for you:
What are your best creative times?  
What times are better for practical/technical tasks?
When does resting call you?
What are your preferred times for socializing, reflection, pleasure?

Away from pain, or towards pleasure? –
Are you pushed by your fears, or pulled by your passion?

Get to know yourself in depth.

Uncover wants, joys, and pure values.
Take care of inner blockages and limits.

Surround yourself with healthy vibrations
The more you pay attention and develop the above things,
the more you become loyal to your soul and missions,
and can fully trust yourself.

Surround yourself with high vibration others, activities and environment;
Live the moment, curious and open,
practice gratitude, awe, presence, totality.
BE contentment, peace, light, abundance.

Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

Leader of My Life - Make Covid-19 Your Pivotal Time

A 10 weeks deep self empowerment transformation
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
  • Gain deep self understanding, alignment, certainty and confidence
  • Unlock your inner wisdom, treasures and superpowers 
  • Shift into your best version path
Check the launch offer here Leader of My Life

Is it time for you to get grounded, balanced and clear?

Find your focus, stability and motivation in the changing reality:
  • Pick what you need from the new COVID-19 special offers
  • At the convenience and the safety of your home, through Skype

Feel like keeping in a closer touch?

Join me at Heal Your Reality WhatsApp group
to get inspired, empowered, connected and supported
and to receive a daily message from the cards.

Click to join:

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and how can I better serve you through this time?
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Transformation Point · 30 Gloucester Street · Toronto, On M4Y 1L6 · Canada