Your help needed to secure the permanent moratorium
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Critical meetings on the moratorium coming this week

Last week we notified you regarding the multi-step legislative review process for approving Regulations 5 and 6 – the permanent moratorium.

The Public Health committee met on June 8th and after listening to Dr. Andrew Sharpley gloss over the BCRET 5-year report, Reg 5 and 6 were moved out of the committee as “not reviewed”, meaning they kicked the can down the road to the Administrative Rules subcommittee which meets this Wednesday, June 17th. The final and most critical step comes when the Arkansas Legislative Council (ALC) meets on Friday, the 19th.

As we noted, special interests are attempting to undermine our efforts, crying that a moratorium violates the “right to farm”. We are guardedly hopeful that BRWA will be allowed to make comments in person at these meetings to rebut those false claims and we are asking you and all supporters of the Buffalo River to text, email or call your Senator and Representative and ask the following:

Considering that neither side of the issue on Rule 5 and 6 were given the opportunity to speak before a motion to not review in Public Health Committee last week, we respectfully request the public be able to speak before a vote is taken in ALC Administrative Rules Subcommittee and ALC.
In addition to the request above, here are some additional recommendations for messages:
Contact YOUR state senator and representative. Click here if you do not know your representatives (enter your address in the "Find your politician" box).

Brief text messages are recommended, followed by phone and email. 
The highest priority are those of you whose elected representatives serve on the Administrative Rules Subcommittee and/or the ALC .  

But please contact your Senator and Representative even if they do not serve on these committees. They can still influence committee members.
We do not recommend that you contact members who do not represent you. It could irritate them or, worse, alienate them at this critical stage.

Legislators respond best to constituents so be sure and tell them where you live.
Keep your message short and to the point. Below are some examples but for greatest impact we strongly urge you to use your own words and try to limit your message to 2 or 3 bullet points, especially if texting. Brevity has impact.

  • The Buffalo National River is a tremendous economic engine in a part of the state with few opportunities. Tourism is booming in the watershed and provides significant employment and tax revenues in two of the poorest counties in the state.
  • The proposed moratorium is very narrow in scope and will affect an extremely limited sector of agriculture – only medium and large swine CAFOs within the Buffalo River watershed. Currently there are only about 200 liquid animal waste permits statewide. All current agricultural operations within the watershed and across the state will be completely unaffected. There will be no impact from this moratorium on existing farming operations in the watershed. Swine CAFOs are singled out because of the high risk they pose, especially in such an ecologically significant and fragile watershed. Dye trace studies cited by BCRET showed how rapidly and extensively contaminants from liquid waste can travel underground in the watershed, easily affecting  the Buffalo National River. 
  • A protective moratorium is not a new or unique concept in Arkansas. There has long been a similar but broader moratorium on wastewater discharge within the Lake Maumelle Basin (A.P.C.&E.C. Rule 6.601).
  • The Buffalo National River comprises only 11% of the watershed and is most impacted by activities on the tributaries which feed it. Regular testing by the National Park Service since 1985 has shown that the largest and most consistent source of  nutrients and bacteria comes from tributaries. There is no documented correlation between visitors using the river and these contaminants.  The supposed threat from paddlers defecating in the river is a red herring with no documented proof.
  • The BCRET Final Report raises several red flags which justify a moratorium.  There was a “statistically significant increase in soil phosphorus”  on the fields receiving swine slurry, which prompted the warning, “ To limit further accumulation of nutrients in excess of levels optimal  for forage production future applications, along with grazing, must be carefully managed”  BCRET studied a single farm for only a five year period. Swine CAFOs such as C&H are designed for a much longer operational life. C&H had an initial 12-year contract and would have continued to spread waste for years to come. The BCRET report of data collected over only 5 years also stated, “ One farm generally changes water quality at the field level but the cumulative effects of many farms can influence water quality at the larger watershed, such as Big Creek and the Buffalo National River.” These warnings more than justify such a narrowly defined moratorium in this single watershed.
  • These changes to Rules 5 and 6 are needed to memorialize the need for a permanent moratorium. While another hog farm permit in the Buffalo River watershed may be unlikely on the watch of the current administration and legislature, institutional memory is short and administrations change. 10 or 20 years from now, memories of the emotional and financial costs of C&H will have faded. Rules 5.901 and 6.602 provide a regulatory record which will ensure that those costly mistakes are not repeated. 
We appreciate the time, money and energy expended over the past 8 years by those who cherish the Buffalo and wish to see it permanently protected. Please take a few minutes now to help make this last step of legislative approval a success.

Help Save the Buffalo River... FOREVER! 

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If you would rather send a check, please make it payable to “Buffalo River Watershed Alliance” and mail to:

Buffalo River Watershed Alliance
Box 101
Jasper, AR 72641.

Thank you for your continued support.

Buffalo River Watershed Alliance
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