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This week we will explore more deeply the text from Acts 9: 36-43. You will be invited to read the passage each day before exploring the daily devotions. 
We don’t know a lot about Tabitha, but what we do know is telling. Luke tells us she was a disciple. She was a follower of Christ. And don’t miss this because these are strong words. Luke is making it clear. Tabitha was every bit a follower of Christ as Peter was, or Paul was, or anyone else was. Her status as a woman or her small role in the big story of Acts does not diminish her status in the kingdom of God. The passage says, “there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas.” We need to pay close attention to this word “disciple.” As Christians, we have become familiar with this word. It means, literally, “learner,” namely those who learn from Jesus and seek to follow in the way of Jesus. It means one who is seeking to grow in the ways of faith and life, trusting God and serving God. This is what Jesus calls us to be about. Jesus calls and nurtures “disciples.” We are ALL called to be disciples. Disciples are devoted to good works and acts of charity. How are you seeking to follow in the way of Jesus? How can you, like Tabitha, contribute to the healing and hope of the world?
Prayer: Lord, may I continue to grow in my discipleship, learning to live closer to your way. Amen.

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