Erev Shabbat Parshat Pinchas - 18th Tammuz 5780 - 10th July 2020

Candle lighting times for Melbourne: 4.59pm and Sydney: 4.44pm

Connecting through Candle Lighting

Historically, as women, we shine a light of hope and positivity on challenges that confront us in our personal or communal lives. The three week mourning period begins now with the fast day of the seventeenth day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz which commemorates, among other tragic events, the breaking of the luchot, tablets, when the Jewish people worshipped the golden calf.  

Is it in fact correct to even say that the Jewish people worshipped the calf  because we do know that the women would have no part of it. They adamantly refused to part with their jewellery for this reprehensible cause, and were appropriately rewarded for their stance with the gift of Rosh Chodesh.  

To make it very clear, the women were first in their haste to donate their jewellery and more for the Holy Temple and do whatever they could at that occasion to bring more light into this world. 

How appropriate is it then that the women have been charged with the special Mitzvah of lighting the Shabbat Candles as a means to spread physical and spiritual light from home to home, community to community bringing the light to the world.

Because light is her essence and to spread light is her mission. 

For more on candle lighting read this beautiful article from

Join our WhatsApp Broadcast

Our candle lighting whatsapp group has now been transformed to a weekly broadcast. Whether you were one of the 250 women who were receiving the candle lighting times for Sydney and Melbourne, the inspirational messages and the names to pray for at candle lighting as part of our whatsapp group, or you are a newcomer to this concept - we would like to connect with you.  Candle lighting time is an auspicious time for women's prayers and we’d like to facilitate this meaningful connection to women in all parts of the world. 

Here’s what to do:

  • Add RCWC +614 0161 2075 to your phone contacts 

  • Confirm that you have saved our name and number to your contacts by sending us a message.

In this way may we help bring healing and light to our world through our connections and prayers.

Candle Lighting Inspiration

Share candle lighting stories or inspiration by contacting us here

Check out our Facebook pages for our weekly messages and candle lighting times

If you are not yet subscribed to our candle lighting newsletters, do so here

Shabbat Shalom
Sara Gutnick

Rosh Chodesh Women's Circle TM Inc
www., Find us on Facebook & Instagram 
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