Newsletter 07.20
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Alternativ- & Komplementärmedizin

Neue Cochrane Reviews


Ketogenic diets for drug-resistant epilepsy

Background Epilepsy is a disorder where recurrent seizures are caused by abnormal electrical discharges from the brain. In most people, seizures can be controlled by one or more antiepileptic medicines. For people who continue to have seizures (drug-resistant epilepsy) a special diet, a ketogenic ...

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Tea tree oil for Demodex blepharitis

What was the aim of this review? To examine the effects of tea tree oil, an essential oil derived from an Australian tree, which can be applied in many different forms (eyelid wipes, eyelid shampoo, oil massages, etc.) on Demodex blepharitis. Demodex blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelid ...

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Use of vitamin A and fish oils for retinitis pigmentosa

What is the aim of this review? The aim of this Cochrane Review was to determine whether vitamin A and fish oils work in delaying the continued worsening of vision in people with an inherited condition of the eyes that causes loss of vision (retinitis pigmentosa) and whether these treatments are ...

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Vitamin K supplementation for cystic fibrosis

Review question We reviewed the evidence to see whether supplementing vitamin K in people with cystic fibrosis counteracts the effects of deficiency on blood clotting, bone strength and quality of life in people with cystic fibrosis. We tried to determine the best dose needed to prevent this ...

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Enthaltene Topics der Cochrane Library: Complementary & alternative medicine.
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