Transdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow Alum and PTBi researcher, Deborah Karasek, was selected to be a K12 Scholar in the Interdisciplinary Research in Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) program.
The award is to support junior faculty researchers from diverse disciplines who are committed to advancing understanding of the incidence, progression, risk factors, impact, and/or prevention and treatment of non-malignant urologic conditions.
Resource Spotlight
This resource was created by Black Women for Wellness and led by Nourbese Flint. It is inspired by the National Association to Advance Black Birth's Black Birthing Bill of Rights.
Benioff Community Innovator Oakland Informational Webinars | Every Tues and Thurs in Aug | Various times | PTBi | The Benioff Community Innovators Oakland is an empowering, paid professional development opportunity in the areas of health equity, participatory action research, community organizing, and policy advocacy for ten Oakland residents. This Research Justice Workforce Development Program will work with community scholars to research issues related to Black and Brown preterm birth and use those findings to create policy and change that will affect the birth outcomes in Oakland. All applicants must attend one of the informational webinars in order to apply. Learn More
Recent Publications
Former NICU Families Describe Gaps in Family-Centered Care. Krista Sigurdson, Jochen Profit, Ravi Dhurjati, Christine Morton, Melissa Scala, Lelis Vernon, Ashley Randolph, Jessica T Phan, Linda S Franck. Qualitative Health Research. July, 2020.