
Shifting ThinkSelf's Approach to Communications

Video description:
Mai is outside, trees, apartment building, and sky behind her. There is a glow from the sun onto the video. Mai is wearing a ThinkSelf logo t-shirt and has her hair pulled back. 

ThinkSelf will be using Facebook much less in the future. We have been researching and realize we need to shift to other forms of communication that are safer, with less risk of violating privacy or causing mental harm. This is so important to the work we do. Instead, we will be using email newsletters, YouTube, and Twitter to make sure we can reach the people we need to reach and serve you better.

We will continue to post the link to our email newsletters on Facebook, as well as periodically sharing community posts, resources, and events. Please feel free to email if you have any questions!

Sources for information about this shift in our approach: 

ThinkSelf's Mission

Video description: 
Maggie and Audra, both white-presenting women, sit outside in front of a tan metal wall, sky visible behind Maggie. Both are wearing t-shirts. Audra has a ponytail, and Maggie has shoulder-length hair worn down. 

(Audra) As always, our mission is to offer resources, education and support to Minnesota Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing adults
seeking full access to options for learning, safety, justice, employment skills and community.
(Maggie) We embrace our mission wholeheartedly, and look forward to continuing to serve and grow with our community through these challenging times.

Celebrating DeafBlind Awareness Week

Did you know this week was DeafBlind week? The theme for 2020 is "DeafBlind and Thriving." DeafBlind week has been recognized and celebrated since June 22, 1984. Learn more about the history at Helen Keller National Center's DeafBlind Awareness Week overview:

Check out activist Haben Girma's recent tweet explaining her belief that famous DeafBlind leader Helen Keller, if alive today, would be a fierce supporter of #BlackLivesMatter. [external link to Twitter]

Image Description (image is linked to Twitter:
Screenshot of Haben Girma's Twitter post on June 24, 2020. Haben is speaking to the camera, she has a braid and is standing in front of a blank wall. Captions: "If Helen Keller was alive today, I'm confident she would support Black Lives Matter." Text: Helen Keller’s birthday is June 27 & it’s
#Deafblind Awareness Week. Helen knew she benefited from white privilege. A fierce activist, she protested, wrote articles & donated to orgs working to end racism. I'm confident #HelenKeller would emphatically affirm #BlackLivesMatter (three emojis: raised fists in multiple skin tones).

Wondering what you can do to promote awareness and build allyship with DeafBlind communities? Here's just one idea: commit to providing image, video descriptions, and transcripts for all of your shared content. Consider joining a group dedicated to ensuring access by voluntarily captioning, transcribing, and describing images and videos. 


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

VP: 651-829-9089
Instagram: @thinkselfmn
Twitter: @thinkselfmn

Subscribe to Emails!

Video description:
Curt, a white presenting man wearing glasses, a polo shirt, and has a beard, sits in front of a window with trees visible. 

ThinkSelf periodically sends out email announcements about events and other news. If you're interested in getting on the list, type this address into your browser:
ThinkSelf’s mission is to offer resources, education & support to Minnesota Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing adults seeking full access to options for learning, safety, justice, employment skills, and community.
Copyright © 2020 ThinkSelf, All rights reserved.

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