
Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action (GCCA) is a coalition of health professionals and health organizations concerned about the impacts of climate change on Georgia residents, and especially those in vulnerable populations. GCCA was founded in response to health harms that patients are already experiencing and that health professionals are witnessing in patient care settings and communities throughout Georgia. 


Current Climate Concerns and Resources for Clinicians

Southeast Georgia Wildfires

More than 4.6 million people living in Georgia, or 48 percent of the state's population, are living in areas at elevated risk of wildfire. Wildfires create massive air pollution. Smoke from wildfires causes an increase in the number of emergency department visits for asthma and other respiratory problems, including heart disease, strokes, adverse birth outcomes and more.

Image from @desidocstalkclimate 
The Southeast PEHSU has created a video resource to educate families—and providers—on safety in the aftermath of tropical storms and hurricanes. Thanks to GCCA members Abby and Nathan Mutic for sharing this resource!

Advocacy and Action

August 31 - September 1: Take action on EPA ozone standards

Air pollution not only contributes to climate change, but is also exacerbated by it. Ozone pollution levels increase with higher temperatures and are notably rising each year. According to the 2020 State of the Air Report, Atlanta-Athens-Clarke County-Sandy Springs, GA
  • Ranked 33 for high ozone days out of 229 metropolitan areas
  • Ranked 61 for 24-hour particle pollution out of 216 metropolitan areas
  • Ranked 23 for annual particle pollution out of 204 metropolitan areas
Therefore, it is critical for the EPA to set stronger limits on particulate and ozone pollution to protect our health. Learn about the health impacts of ozone here. 

1. Take one minute to 
sign the American Lung Association's petition calling for stronger air pollution regulations
Sign up to testify at the EPA hearings (share your stories and data) on Monday, August 31st or Tuesday, September 1st. The deadline to register is August 27th. 
Diagram from the American Lung Association's State of the Air Report
2020 is the most important election year for the environment.

A recent ecoAmerica survey found that 60% of Americans are more concerned about climate change than in previous elections. Read full report. 

Thousands of doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers are calling on Congress to ensure all Americans have the right to vote without risking their health. Our voices as individuals and organizations on this issue are powerful and necessary. 

Here are the steps you can take to ensure a fair and healthy election: 

1. Find out where your state stands on universal vote-by-mail using this State Voting Rights Tracker. 

2. Find the contact info for your county, state, and federal representatives using this database:

3. Use this form email (or call and use it as a script!) to tell them that we need a universal vote-by-mail option this November.

4. Use this toolkit (developed by The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health) to educate your followers on social media and/or write a letter to the editor in your state on why universal vote-by-mail is a health issue. 

5. Health care providers across all role groups (RNs, MDs, PAs, LICSWs) and across all specialties can help get their patients registered to vote with our VotER badge backers which are created and shipped at no cost to providers. It’s as simple as giving your patient the QR code and letting them scan it on their phone. Get your free badge backer today!

Read and Download the PDF "Open Letter to Candidates: Protecting Health" from The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health.

Members in Action

Our members and partners are doing great things!

“Natural” Gas Industry Is Fighting Against Taking Action on Climate By GCCA Steering Committee member Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong for Mothers & Others for Clean Air

Racial Disparities in Climate-Health Outcomes: for Women, Infants and Children Panel member/speaker, GCCA member, Dr. Keisha Callins (Webinar hosted by Florida Clinicians for Climate Action)

Global Climate Impacts from Covid-19 Could Be Just a Blip By GCCA Steering Committee member Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong for Mothers & Others for Clean Air

EPA Appoints New Members to Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee Dr. Yolanda White, GCCA Steering Committee member

Georgia Chapter of The American Academy of Pediatrics Adopts a Resolution on Climate Change and Child Health Dr. Rebecca Philipsborn, GCCA Steering Committee member, and GA Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics member

The Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health Champion of the Month Dr. Linda Walden, GCCA Steering Committee member

Climate Change in the Emory Medical Curriculum Featuring Dr. Rebecca Philipsborn, GCCA Steering Committee member, and Emory Medical students Ben Rabin and Emaline Laney, with Emory's Sustainability Offiice.

COVID-19 Is Giving Us a Lesson - and a Warning - About Our Environment By GCCA Steering Committee member Dr. Neha Pathak for WebMD


Have Action to Share?

Upcoming Events

The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health offers the following "free" CME webinars every Friday in September.

Friday, Sep 4   |  12 noon – 1 pm EST
Disaster Relief: How to Build Healthcare Resilience
Speaker: Dr. Caitlin Rublee
Healthcare Investors and Divestment from Fossil Fuels
Speaker: Dr. Ashley McClure

Friday, Sep 11   |  12 noon – 1 pm EST
Heat, Climate Change, and Dermatology
Speaker: Dr. Mary Williams

Friday, Sep 18  |  12 noon – 1 pm EST
Ophthalmology and Waste from the OR
Speaker: Dr. David Chang & Dr. Cassandra Thiel

Friday, Sep 25  |  12 noon – 1 pm EST
Climate, Health, Disabilities, and Equity
Speaker: Dr. Marcalee Alexander

Save-The-Date October 20, 2020 8:00 pm EST / 7:00 pm CST
Documentary film premier of “Planet Prescription: Healing Healer. Healing The Planet. Healing Us” featuring health professionals predominantly in the southeast. The film captures the stories from health professionals on how air pollution and climate change are impacting human health. The film also documents that there was a crisis in health care before COVID-19. This collaborative film was made in partnership with the Climate Listening Project, Mothers & Others for Clean Air and Narrative Healthcare. For more information or to reserve your spot, email Anne Mellinger Birdsong MD.
If you know a colleague or associate who may be interested in learning more about the climate & health connection and joining our group, you can now share the link to our website.
If someone shared a copy of this newsletter and you would like to subscribe, click HERE
We look forward to connecting with you!
Copyright © 2020 Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action (GaCCA), All rights reserved.

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