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Our next training programme

Unfortunately, due to the continued impact of COVID-19, we have taken the decision to postpone our November training programme.

Dates for 2021 will be announced very soon so look out for these and for news of other exciting training opportunities currently in development. 

Minding your PEA's and Q's

What do British politicians, solid waste, and working remotely have in common?

Political economy analysis was probably not one of your top three guesses, but if you’re interested in pragmatic ways to think and act more politically in your MSD programmes, 
read our latest blog post.

Rubber in Indonesia

Building on the recent rubber sector case study, Springfield has co-hosted two webinars with GrowAsia that focused on lessons in building more inclusive, sustainable agricultural value chains, with participants from the private sector and development sector in the Asian region. 

You can watch the first webinar here.

Musika in Zambia

Springfield is currently conducting an external review of Musika Development Initiative in Zambia - a non-profit company that was registered in 2010. Musika seeks to be a market facilitator in line with the MSD approach, and the review takes both a backward- and forward-looking perspective, drawing out lessons and recommendations applicable to the approach, capacity and institutional arrangements that support longer-term market facilitation.  

WASH Systems in Myanmar

Springfield is currently supporting Lien AID (part of the Lien Foundation) to review their system change strategy for the WASH sector in Myanmar.

Working with public sector partners from across the Ayeyarwady region, Lien AID has an ambitious agenda for sector transformation. Rapid feedback loops will be critical to ensure interventions are impacting, and Springfield is supporting the country team to identify and capitalise on lessons learned in a two-phased review of strategy and performance over 2020-2021.


PROSPECTS in Lebanon

Despite the repeated and ongoing challenges Lebanon is facing, the ILO PROSPECTS team are continuing to work towards unlocking livelihood opportunities for Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees in the horticulture sector.

Springfield is working closely (albeit remotely) with the team to provide support with every stage from the
now published market system analyses to setting up monitoring and results measurement systems and beginning to pilot interventions with partners. 

Look out for updates on these projects and more in our next newsletter.

A Focus on... MSD and COVID-19 

In the face of the pervasive and catastrophic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a good deal of conversation about whether we need a new approach to deal with development in #covidtimes. At a time when the inclination is to either leap to the rescue with hurried “innovation” or to hunker down and wait for it all to go away, the more pragmatic response is to make the use of the tools, frameworks and approaches which are reliable, tested and fit for purpose. MSD is one such tool. 

Can you use the MSD approach to respond to COVID-19?
Between a rock and a hard place
A systemic response to COVID-19

What have we been doing recently?

A snapshot of the work we have been involved in over the past few months.
Best wishes,

The Springfield Team
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