
Weekly Update

Keeping you informed of upcoming opportunities and events
~ From the team at Alaska INBRE ~

June 29, 2020

*** Our office will be closed July 2-3 in observance of the July 4 holiday ***

Here is what you need
to know this week...

Latest Information on COVID-19
  • Click here for the latest University of Alaska coronavirus information and FAQs.
  • Click here for information about the disease, prevention and travel advisories from the US Centers for Disease Control Prevention.
From Alaska INBRE

Funding & Research Opportunities from Alaska INBRE

Earlier this year, we made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 NIH Intramural Summer Internship Program (SIP) due to the coronavirus pandemic. To help you sharpen your science skills and develop both professionally and personally, we have worked with Institutes and Centers (ICs) and Training Offices across the NIH to develop a summer-long series of activities. These online offering will focus on the exciting science we do at the NIH and on important career and professional development topics for students at all educational levels. You can choose to participate in career development series for high school or college students, series on preparation for graduate or professional school, wellness activities, and a scientific skills series. We encourage you to look at all the program offerings and identify events that will help you achieve your scientific and career goals.

The 2020 Curriculum is available here.

NOTE: You can find a listing of activities that may be of particular interest to high school students and recent high school graduates here.

in on

ANTHC Methods Brown Bag, Tuesday, June 30, 2020, Noon-1PM ADT:
Falk Huettmann PhD, Professor, EWHALE Lab Biology and Wildlife Dept, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF will present "Machine Learning and AI for Health Applications: The complete story (well, kind of)." Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are buzz words of the day, but they actually mean serious business changing the world and how we think, how we collect and analyze data, and how research is carried out across the board for inference from predictions.This presentation will provide a perspective about ML/AI using principles of statistics and computing applied to real-world health care and OneHealth applications. Focusing on ‘Correlational Science’ it is meant to present progress and new insights on how we understand data, research and inference from data and (medical) trials/experiments for progress on human well-being. Some references are made to Leo Breiman, our book and publications about ML/AI applications in Alaska and elsewhere, also with reference to climate change and The Anthropocene.
AI/AN DATE SOVEREIGNTY SERIES:  Weekly on Wednesdays through Aug 19, 2020 (10am AKDT, 12pm Mountain, 2pm Eastern). The American Indian/Alaska Native Clinical Translational Research Program (AI/AN-CTRP) will be hosting a series of online presentations to discuss issues surrounding AI/AN data sovereignty. Presentations will be one hour via Zoom.
  • Wed, July 1 - Daniela Lammers, Data Manager ANTHC will present "ANTHC Data/Biospecimen Agreement: A Template for Research Studies," a discussion of issues necessary to protect Alaska Native American Indian research data and biospecimens" 
  • Join Zoom Meeting 
    Meeting ID: 882 1907 4706
    Password: 412480

Career Development Opportunities

INTRO TO REDCap TRAINING - JULY 7, 12-1:30 pm PT (11am AKDT) 
The University of Washington Institute of Translational Health Sciences will be hosting an introductory course on REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) on July 7th from 12-1:30 pm PT. The course is geared towards new or novice users of the REDCap system, as well as people who want a refresher course. This class will go through the entire lifecycle of a REDCap project from initial setup to data entry and finally exporting data. The course will be held virtually and is free of charge. More information, registration and contact information can be found on the ITHS website.

Ascend Hub presents their four-session July Cohort Schedule, providing researchers with structured opportunities to learn, practice, and apply key skills in the commercialization process:  Entrepreneurial self-assessment; Intellectual Property (IP) overview; capital-raising skills; collaboration, networking, and marketing best practices; and elevator pitch development. Click here to register.

INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL RESEARCH BOOT CAMP 2020 - SAVE THE DATE! Institute of Translational Health Sciences annual Introduction to Clinical Research Boot Camp is back and better than ever! This new format for the Boot Camp will be as efficient as the in-person experience, but is now optimized for online learning. This workshop is designed to introduce you to the design and management of clinical trials. Whether you identify as a faculty, research staff, or post-doctoral fellow, there is a track to fit your needs:
  • RESEARCH STAFF TRACK - July 20-24, 2020, 12-1pm PDT (11am-12pm AKDT) - This track is designed for individuals interested in learning about clinical research from a research staff perspective, featuring content covering gaining cultural sensitivity, coordinator responsibilities, research results reporting, study operations, and engaging the research team.
  • INVESTIGATOR TRACK - July 27-31, 2020, 12-1pm PDT (11am-12pm AKDT) - This track is designed for individuals interested in learning about clinical research from an investigator perspective. This track's featured content is based on best practices in the following areas: PI responsibilities, physician vs physician scientist, study design and methodology, building an interdisciplinary team, and engaging diverse communities.
  • REGISTRATION begins on June 30 at 10am PDT. Click here to learn more. 
THE GREAT ACUR (Australian Council for Undergraduate Research) UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH WRITING PROJECTA thought-experiment for undergraduate researchers to write about during the time of Covid-19. The competition is open to all undergraduate student researchers, in any field, and any country.
  • TOPIC:  The impacts of Covid-109 on a field of your choice.
  • SUBMISSION:    A 500-word piece, or A3 poster, on the impacts of Covid-19 on a field of your interest. The scope includes economic impacts, historical impacts; any field expected to be impacted is eligible to be written about. It's up to you!
  • PRIZE:  A prize of $500 will be awarded to the winning submission and the best entries will be published in the November 2020 issue of Undergraduate Research News Australasia. Every reasonable entry will receive a year's ACUR student membership.
  • CLICK HERE for criteria and submission details.

Letters of Intent due:  July 13, 2020
Period of Performance:  March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) Pilot Award Program is designed to help investigators with one of the biggest challenges they face: where to get funding for new projects. ITHS is offering funding to support researchers in translational science - the area of health research that focuses on speeding discoveries from lab to patient - as they take the first steps along the path of discovery. Funding mechanisms include:

  • Research Innovation Award - Supports specific research questions that can also act as a vehicle to develop new methods, policies, or procedures that will aid in the conduct of research. Award:  $100,000
  • Collaboration Innovation Award - Encourages the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations between investigators in projects addressing critical transitions in translational research. Award:  $50,000
  • Academic/Community Partnership Award - Fosters collaborations between academic and community investigators to examine a problem, issue, or intervention important to the community. Award:  $20,000

UPCOMING FOA:  COMMUNITY INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC FOR HEALTH DISPARITY AND VULNERABLE POPULATIONS (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) - Expected application due date July 2020. NIMHD is partnering with other Institutes and Centers at the NIH to support an upcoming FOA: NOT-MD-20-023. The FOA solicits research to evaluate community interventions testing: 1) The impacts of mitigations strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in NIH-designated health disparity populations and other vulnerable groups; and 2) Already implemented, new, or adapted interventions to address the adverse psychosocial, sociocultural, behavioral and socioeconomic consequences of COVID-19 on the health of these groups. Researchers are encouraged to partner with community organizations, health service providers, public health agencies, policymakers, and other stakeholders to prepare and submit applications. Contact Dr. Jennifer Alvidrez at, or click here to learn more.

CALL FOR LIMITED SUBMISSION WHITE PAPERS - NIH COBRE PROGRAM:  Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 (P20 Clinical Trial Optional).



2020 CO-FUNDING OPPORTUNITY FROM IDeA/NIGMS:  Please click here for further information about this initiative and eligibility criteria.

NIH SBIR & STTR FUNDING OPPORTUNITY:  Funding Opportunity Announcements for NIH SBIR & STTR Omnibus and topic-specific funding are available here.

COLLABORATIVE SEQUENCING/ BIOINFORMATICS PILOT AWARDS:  The NM-INBRE Sequencing and Bioinformatics Core (SBC) invites you to apply for a pilot project award valued at approximately $5,000 to $10,000 to drive your research, publications and grants! Requires co-contribution from non-NM-INBRE Investigators. Proposal deadline:  2nd Sunday of each month by 11:59 pm. Details and how to apply here.

UAA:  WWAMI is hiring a Grant & Fiscal Coordinator. Click here for more information  Grant Tech WWAMI 
Please Share!
Publications, News Articles, Announcements, and Photos!
Pilot Faculty, Undergraduate, and Graduate Research Assistants:  Please send your news, publications, post-doc announcements, and photos, we would like to share.  Thank you in advance for your help!
Please send to:
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