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Today, July 1, is Keti Koti, to commemorate and celebrate the abolition of slavery in Surinam and on the Dutch Antilles. In recent weeks we have shared many projects and lots of information with you. About equality, climate crisis, belonging, activism, education and all that in relation to art, science and society. That's what we do, drive the conversation. Stimulate thinking, sharing and asking questions. In this newsletter we are happy to share with you some student projects that have arisen from a collaboration with ArtEZ studium generale. They take you in their search for the importance and power of language, the opportunity to discuss the ecological crisis through dance and confront you with a painful statement in a comic about gender equality. Check them out and enjoy!
Podcast Radio ArtEZ Structures of Language 
Moritz Brill and Iris Beek, who study Fine Art and Design in Education, did their internship at Fillip Studios, an interdisciplinary design studio and residency founded by ArtEZ alumni Tom Kortbeek and Roos Meerman. In a podcast they discuss the work of Tom, Roos and graphic designer/artist Guido de Boer and speak about the importance of language, disappearing languages and more. The work Vocode of Fillip Studios is currently exhibited at the Kröller Müller Museum. With this work Fillip Studios pays tribute to languages that are about to die out by converting them into a visual image by sound vibrations. So, listen carefully. Find the podcast on our website or in your podcast app (search Radio ArtEZ).

And don’t forget to put on your forest coat and go on the moor to view the exhibition Niet met zoveel woorden. We give away 5x2 free tickets to the Kröller Muller Museum. All you have to do is post a comment under our Facebook or Instagram post about this podcast and the free tickets.
Semi-processing. Consumed. An interview with Polina Nikolaeva
In this interview, Polina Nikolaeva, a second year student of Dance, speaks of her views on consumerism, and how this led to her developing a choreography on the topic of climate crisis. We also share a video of her performance. It is only a part, but she takes you along in her search for how she as a maker can make a difference.
Lotte van den Hoogen illustrations
Lotte van den Hoogen is an alumna from Fine Art and Design in Education and focusses in her work on gender equality. Maybe you saw her work before in our ZINE and on website. It’s so powerfull!
Inclusive urbanism: Creating inclusive urban spaces by Placemaking 
And finally some more food for thought in this video registration from the live event organized earlier this year together with the master program Corpo-Real in Zwolle. Listen to researcher and teacher Saar van der Spek and sociologist, urban planner and Placemaker Anna Dekker talking about creating inclusive urban spaces by co-creating. What the collaboration between artists and local residents can look like and how to pay attention to the physical, cultural and social identities that define a space and its users. The event was part of the Kitchen Table Conversation series in which we exchange ideas about how we as artists and people can live and work with and relate to other people in our society. 
ArtEZ studium generale curates and organises gatherings, talks, training courses, podcasts and publications about the state of the arts and its relation to today’s challenges. Activities are open to everyone.
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