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From Ally to Co-Conspirator:
BLM Solidarity in Latinx, API and White Communities

Thursday, July 30, 2020
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


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What will be covered
  • The difference between “Ally” and “Co-Conspirator” and its history in the United States
  • How anti-Blackness has manifested in non-Black POC communities throughout history and in the present moment
  • What true solidarity with Black Lives Matter looks like
  • How centering Blackness improves health equity across all races

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News and Updates


By Alexis Cobbins, PTBi Executive Director
As one of only eight percent of Black staff within UCSF, I’m likely one of very few Black staff here in a leadership position.

Results Available: COVID-19 Hospital Restrictions Survey

My Response to the Collective Trauma We Are All Experiencing Right Now

Listening to Women of Color: Recommendations to Improve Experiences in Pregnancy and Birth Care

PTBi's Anti-Racism Action Plan

NICU Single Family Rooms Improves Parent Outcomes

Support Black Mothers

Youth Logo Design Challenge - Fresno GROWS

The Intersection of Race Inequity and Redlining




Introducing Our New Executive Director!


Announcing our Interim Community Advisory Board Members!



Announcing our new RAP Grantees

Career Opportunity

Be our Associate Director!

Upcoming Events

  • Independance Day March in SF 
    | Sat, July 4 | 10 AM PST | Assemble for Equity |
    “What is the meaning of the 4th of July to the negro” was asked by Frederick Douglass over 150 years ago. It was asked due to the enslavement of black people who lacked the same freedoms, equality, and humanity this nation’s founders fought to obtain for themselves. Today, we have continued to see Black people’s lives devalued by the systematic failures still prevalent within the architecture of our nation. Yet, in a glimmer of hope, ACA 5, which will repeal Prop. 209 and reestablish affirmative action in California, is making headway in Sacramento and will likely go to the voters this November. Supporting it will have an immensely positive impact on the Black community and all ethnically minoritized communities in California. By coming together and sending a clear message of support, we can help provide better access, equity, and hope for future generations and you can help lead the way.
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  • Under the Blacklight: COVID, White Power, & the Unseeing of Race Again 
    | Wed, July 01 | 5:00 PM PST | African American Policy Forum |
    Under the Blacklight will shine the spotlight on the off-staging of race after weeks of protests about racial injustice. We ask: What has become of the supposed reckoning with white supremacy since George Floyd’s death? After weeks of uncovering on the legacies of racism, are we at the bottom of a steep hill again in insisting that race is as newsworthy in the disproportionate deaths of African Americans to COVID as it has been in the weeks of protest over police violence? And why has it been so difficult to connect the two?
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  • A Path to Reproductive Justice: Research, Practice and Policies 
    | Tue, July 14 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM PST | APHA |
    Join APHA for the second webinar in the Advancing Racial Equity series covering reproductive racial disparities. Presenters will: Provide context of racism in reproductive care across multiple impacted groups; Share current advocacy approaches to advancing reproductive health equity; and Highlight current federal legislation that addresses the barriers to achieving reproductive justice.
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The Preterm Birth Initiative · 3333 California St. · Suite 285 · San Francisco, CA 94118 · USA