June 23rd, 2020

Dear Lutz Prep Families,

On Thursday, June 11th, Governor DeSantis announced that Florida’s public schools will open at full capacity in August. Therefore we are planning for a “new” normal school opening with heightened procedures and protocols for the prevention of illness, sanitation, and social distancing in a school environment.  We are looking forward to bouncing back and having our students in attendance on Monday, August 10th to start at 8:00 AM.  

As we are developing our reopening plan, I would like to assure you that my number one priority is the safety and health of all of our students, families and staff, while we are taking increased measures to create a safe environment.  To mitigate risk, we are making many changes throughout campus by putting protocols in place that will help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We are additionally focusing on the importance of empathy and resiliency as a Leader in Me school in light of current happenings covered in the media.

Reopening initiatives include, but are not limited to: 
  • Staggered transition times on campus to aid in social distancing
  • Creating student cohorts in order to limit the number of students that interact with one another
  • Daily screening upon arrival (multiple screenings based on health department recommendations)
  • Additional strategies to create space between students to mitigate spread (ex: lunch in classroom or outside)
  • Cleaning protocols in classrooms throughout the day
  • Mandatory hand washing and use of hand sanitizers multiple times throughout the school day in all locations
  • Touchless water refill stations designed for water bottles
  • Frequent wipe down of high touch-points; additional hired staff whom it’s their sole focus
  • Disinfect computers with alcohol wipes
  • All individuals are highly encouraged to wear a mask while at school or anytime social distancing cannot be maintained

Our administrative staff is diligently working to develop plans and procedures that will promote safety and health, while allowing us to continually re-evaluate this evolving process. We are relying heavily on guidance from the CDC, Florida Department of Health, and the Florida Department of Education through our reopening plan that will allow face to face instruction in a safe environment.  Additional plans are being made to the dismissal/pick-up process with enhanced safety measures in mind. More information regarding this initiative will be sent out before school begins as soon as we finalize this process.  

We’re counting on you! The health and safety guidelines lose their power without the commitment to follow them. As families prepare for returning to school, it’s imperative that you:
  • ensure your student is in good health
  • establish a home routine to ensure that your student is healthy before coming to school each day
  • keep lines of communication open with the Nurse Kopp and your family physician if you come in contact with an individual who has contracted COVID-19
Rest assured, LP’s faculty and staff is equally committed to the same measures above.  Lutz Prep will coordinate with our local health department and our school district in responding to any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the most appropriate manner.
Lutz Prep is prepared to open with Model A shown below. 
Model B and Model C will be options for parents if they wish for a different educational delivery.

Important:  Please look for an email later this week with our required First Day Attendance Census online form that will be asking which model you will be choosing for the upcoming school year.  We require parents to complete the census for each student enrolled at Lutz Preparatory School. 

As we learn more information regarding the reopening of schools we will continue to update our processes and procedures.  We believe especially during the current times our world is facing, the social-emotional focus as a Leader in Me School is critical to empower and support our youth. We are looking forward to a safe return to school and continuing to provide a high-quality education that supports the whole child.

Have a wonderful summer.  Stay Strong, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy! Go Bolts!

Partnering with you,

Mrs. Bonnie Guertin
Director, Lutz Preparatory
Designated by FLDOE as a
High Performing Charter School and a
School Of Excellence
2020-21 Academic Calendar
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