"You can't change the world but you can change your perception." 
This Is A Test is one of my favourite mindset training tricks that I try to incorporate into my life as much as I can. The basic premise is to view every situation that you encounter as a test and nothing more. You need to constantly ask yourself, "What is this moment trying to teach me?"

If someone makes a rude comment about you then perhaps the test is on empathy or compassion. 

If you are having an insanely busy day then the test could be on time management or focus. 

If someone cuts you off in traffic then maybe the test is on patience or anger. 

If you are faced with a difficult decision then the test might be on courage or integrity.

We ALL deal with various problems, issues, responsibilities, decisions, and struggles every single day, and if we continue to view them as such then it will always be very overwhelming. Instead I strongly recommend adjusting your mindset and perception.

Everything we deal with are only tests. Tests help us refine our skills by figuring out what we are good at and what we need to improve on. Tests assist us in realizing our strengths and weaknesses. Tests help us evaluate ourselves and create awareness. Tests help us improve. Tests help us grow. 

Don't view anything in your life as a problem or a struggle. Completely change your perception. These moments are tests and they are there to help you grow.

"When you look at life and its many challenges as a test, or a series of tests, you begin to see each issue you face as an opportunity to grow, a chance to roll with the punches... you always have a chance to succeed in the sense of rising above that which is challenging you." - Richard Carlson

The world is always going to test you so you might as well accept that because you can't change the world, but you can change your perception. It is up to you to decide if you're willing to learn, grow, and rise above what life throws at you. 

Thanks for reading,

Zack McMillan
The Rocker Mindset is dedicated to helping people develop a Stronger Mind, Healthier Body, and Happier Soul.

Embrace the Rocker Mindset and live your life to its fullest potential.
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