Resources to help practitioners and parents | 
Adnoddau i helpu ymarferwyr a rhieni
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Practitioners across Wales are continuing to work in different ways to support children’s play during this challenging time. To help practitioners support children’s play we have developed a range of practical resources. 
The following have been published since we last shared a summary of new play and playwork resources as part of our response to the coronavirus pandemic. 
Focus on play: reopening parks, play areas and open spaces for children’s play

This issue provides information and guidance for parks and open space officers and playground managers. It sets out some of the factors for consideration when decisions are being made regarding which spaces will be available and promoted for play and ensuring sufficiency of play opportunities. 

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Focus on play: reopening schools

When children return to school, efforts to improve well-being should focus on providing sufficient time and space for play. This issue offers information and guidance for head teachers, teachers and school governors. It considers the crucial role of children’s play in promoting positive mental health and discusses ways schools can promote play when they reopen.
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Play for Wales

The ‘play and being well’ issue of the magazine highlights the importance of play during times of uncertainty and stress. The need to provide time, space and permission to play is as important as ever as demonstrated in the articles featured.
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Play: mental health and well-being

Playing is central to children’s mental, social and emotional health and well-being. This updated information sheet briefly explains the importance of playing for brain development and mental health. It also explores how playing contributes to children’s emotional well-being and how it relates to the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’.
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Play: health and well-being

Playing is important for children’s physical, cognitive and social development. This updated information sheet looks at why playing is crucial to children's health and well-being and explores ways to support good quality play. It also provides information about play and physical activity as well as play and emotional well-being.
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Top tips: playing and well-being

Playing contributes to improved well-being during times of uncertainty and it helps children manage their emotions and make sense of their situation. These top tips aim to help parents to support children’s play during times of stress. 
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A reading list for teachers 

Many teachers have been asked to spend some time supporting their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) whilst schools are not operating the usual timetable. To help with this, we put together a list of recommended resources for thinking about play in school. It’s a starting point for reflection and CPD for those with an interest in improving children’s opportunities for playing at school. 

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Playwork Essentials videos

A series of bite-size introductions to aspects of playwork, which also include links to further resources. The videos, which are available on our 'Play Wales – Playwork' channel on YouTube, explore: 
  • Playwork Principles 1 and 2
  • Risk-benefit assessment
  • The theory of loose parts.
More videos on other aspects of playwork will follow in the coming weeks. 

The videos have been developed and filmed during the coronavirus pandemic to support playwork learners and anyone who works with children who wants to understand more about using a playwork approach.

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For parents and carers

We continue to add new and timely content to the indoor play section of our Playful Childhoods website. These resources may be useful to share with the children and families you work with. 
  • Playing at home guide – a handy booklet full of play ideas and tips for parents 
  • 50 indoor play ideas – a list of ideas for all the family to play at home
  • Colouring in – a selection of playful cartoons that can be downloaded and printed for colouring in
  • Play in crisis – resources for parents and carers developed by the International Play Association.  
The Playful Childhoods blog also features a range of new posts: 
Thank you

Finally, the Chair of Play Wales’ Board of Trustees, Dr Mike Shooter has shared a message with all of our supporters. The message thanks every parent, carer and practitioner for continuing to help children to have fun, to stay connected, to take risks within an envelope of safety, to expand their imagination, and to keep their dreams alive – through play. 
Read message
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Mae ymarferwyr ledled Cymru yn parhau i weithio mewn gwahanol ffyrdd i gefnogi plant i chwarae yn ystod y cyfnod heriol hwn. I helpu ymarferwyr i gefnogi chwarae plant rydym wedi datblygu amrywiaeth o adnoddau ymarferol. 
Mae’r canlynol wedi eu cyhoeddi ers i ni rannu’r crynodeb diwethaf o adnoddau chwarae a gwaith chwarae newydd, fel rhan o’n hymateb i’r pandemig coronafeirws. 
Ffocws ar chwarae: ailagor parciau, ardaloedd chwarae a mannau agored ar gyfer chwarae plant

Mae’r rhifyn hwn yn cynnig gwybodaeth ac arweiniad i swyddogion parciau a mannau agored a rheolwyr meysydd chwarae. Mae’n amlinellu rhywfaint o’r ffactorau i’w hystyried wrth lunio penderfyniadau ynghylch pa fannau fydd ac a hyrwyddir ar gyfer chwarae a sicrhau cyfleoedd chwarae digonol.
Lawrlwytho | gweld ar-lein
Ffocws ar chwarae: ailagor ysgolion

Pan fydd plant yn dychwelyd i’r ysgol, dylai ymdrechion i wella lles ganolbwyntio ar ddarparu digon o amser a lle i chwarae. Mae’r rhifyn hwn yn darparu gwybodaeth ac arweiniad ar gyfer penaethiaid, athrawon a llywodraethwyr ysgolion. Mae’n ystyried rôl allweddol chwarae plant wrth hybu iechyd meddwl positif ac mae’n trafod ffyrdd y gall ysgolion hyrwyddo chwarae pan fyddant yn ail-agor.
Lawrlwytho | gweld ar-lein
Chwarae dros Gymru

Mae’r rhifyn ‘chwarae a bod yn iach’ o’r cylchgrawn yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd chwarae’n ystod adegau o ansicrwydd a straen. Mae’r angen i ddarparu amser, lle
a chaniatâd i chwarae cyn bwysiced ag erioed, fel y dengys yn yr erthyglau sydd wedi eu cynnwys.
Lawrlwytho | gweld ar-lein
Chwarae: iechyd meddwl a lles

Mae chwarae’n ganolog i iechyd a lles meddyliol, cymdeithasol ac emosiynol plant. Mae’r daflen wybodaeth hon, sydd wedi ei diweddaru, yn egluro yn gryno pwysigrwydd chwarae ar gyfer datblygiad yr ymennydd ac iechyd meddwl. Mae hefyd yn archwilio sut mae chwarae yn cyfrannu at les emosiynol plant a sut mae’n cydgysylltu â’r ‘Pum Ffordd at Les’. 
Lawrlwytho | gweld ar-lein
Chwarae: iechyd a lles 

Mae chwarae yn bwysig i ddatblygiad corfforol, gwybyddol a chymdeithasol plant. Mae’r daflen wybodaeth hon, sydd wedi ei diweddaru, yn edrych ar pam fod chwarae yn hanfodol ar gyfer iechyd a lles ac mae’n archwilio ffyrdd o gefnogi chwarae o safon dda. Mae hefyd yn cynnig gwybodaeth am chwarae a gweithgarwch corfforol yn ogystal â chwarae a lles emosiynol.
Lawrlwytho | gweld ar-lein
Awgrymiadau anhygoel: chwarae a lles

Mae chwarae yn cyfrannu at well lles yn ystod cyfnodau o ansicrwydd ac mae’n helpu plant i reoli eu hemosiynau a gwneud synnwyr o’u sefyllfa. Mae’r awgrymiadau anhygoel hyn yn anelu i helpu rhieni i gefnogi chwarae plant yn ystod adegau o straen.
Lawrlwytho | gweld ar-lein
Rhestr ddarllen i athrawon 

Gofynnwyd i lawer o athrawon dreulio rhywfaint o amser yn canolbwyntio ar eu Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (DPP) tra bo ysgolion ddim yn dilyn eu hamserlen arferol. I helpu gyda hyn rydym wedi rhoi rhestr o adnoddau argymelledig at ei gilydd ar gyfer meddwl am chwarae yn yr ysgol. Mae’n fan cychwyn ar gyfer myfyrio a DPP ar gyfer y rheini sydd â diddordeb gwella cyfleoedd plant i chwarae yn yr ysgol.

Lawrlwytho | gweld ar-lein
Fideos Elfennau Hanfodol Gwaith Chwarae

Cyfres o gyflwyniadau byr i agweddau o waith chwarae ac maent hefyd yn cynnwys dolenni i adnoddau pellach. Mae’r fideos, sydd ar gael ar ein sianel – ‘Play Wales – Playwork’ ar YouTube, yn archwilio:
  • Egwyddorion Gwaith Chwarae 1 a 2
  • Asesu risg-budd
  • Theori rhannau rhydd.
Bydd mwy o fideos ar agweddau eraill o waith chwarae i ddilyn yn yr wythnosau nesaf.

Mae’r fideos wedi eu datblygu a’u ffilmio’n ystod y pandemig coronafeirws er mwyn cynorthwyo dysgwyr gwaith chwarae, ac unrhyw un arall sy’n gweithio gyda phlant, hoffai ddysgu mwy am ddefnyddio agwedd gwaith chwarae.

Gwylio’r fideos

Ar gyfer rieni a gofalwyr

Rydym yn parhau i ychwanegu cynnwys newydd ac amserol i’r adran chwarae dan do ar ein gwefan Plentyndod Chwareus. Efallai y bydd yr adnoddau hyn yn ddefnyddiol i’w rhannu gyda’r plant a theuluoedd yr ydych chi’n gweithio â hwy. 

  • Canllaw chwarae adref – llyfryn bach sy’n llawn syniadau chwarae a chynghorion i rieni 
  • 50 syniad chwarae dan do – rhestr o syniadau i’r teulu cyfan eu chwarae gartref
  • Lliwio – detholiad o gartŵns chwareus y gellir eu lawrlwytho a’u hargraffu ar gyfer eu lliwio
  • Chwarae mewn argyfwng – adnoddau ar gyfer rhieni a gofalwyr a ddatblygwyd gan yr International Play Association. 
Mae blog Plentyndod Chwareus hefyd yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o erthyglau newydd: 
Diolch yn fawr 

Yn olaf, mae Cadeirydd Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr Chwarae Cymru, Dr Mike Shooter wedi rhannu neges gyda’n holl gefnogwyr. Mae’r neges yn diolch i bob rhiant, gofalwr ac ymarferwr am barhau i helpu plant i gael hwyl, i gadw mewn cysylltiad, i gymryd risg o fewn terfynau diogel, i ehangu eu dychymyg, ac i gadw eu breuddwydion yn fyw – trwy chwarae. 
Darllen y neges
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