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GESDA's best pick from the press, web and science journals,
7-14 June 2020

A GESDA product curated by Olivier Dessibourg


Could a global ‘observatory’ of blood help stop the next pandemic? // 13.06.2020, Science
"Michael Mina is out for blood–millions of samples, which a nascent effort dubbed the Global Immunological Observatory (GIO) would monitor for signs of pathogens spreading through the population. Instead of a telescope, it will rely on technology that can measure hundreds of thousands of distinct antibodies in a microliter of blood. If the GIO can overcome technical and logistical hurdles and find sustained funding, he says, it could provide a powerful tool for monitoring and responding to disease outbreaks. For now, the idea is just a pilot project to track the spread of COVID-19. The stealthy spread of that disease through the population underscored the need for such a monitoring system, says Mina, an immunologist and epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health, who with colleagues outlines the GIO concept this week in eLife. (The co-authors include Jeremy Farrar, an infectious disease specialist and director of the Wellcome Trust.) [...]"

Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust (Credit: Thomas Farnetti, Wellcome)


GESDA Platform 1: Quantum revolution and advanced AI

An understanding of AI's limitations is starting to sink in // 11.06.2020, The Economist, Technology Quarterly

Why cracking nuclear fusion will depend on artificial intelligence // 10.06.2020, NewScientist

New government guidelines makes accelerating artificial intelligence possible // 08.06.2020, WEF

Pour Microsoft, le «no code» est le futur de l'informatique // 08.06.2020, Korii.Slate

Computing power can keep growing as Moore’s law winds down. Here’s how // 08.06.2020, SingularityHub

Bei der Chip-Herstellung dämmert ein neues goldenes Zeitalter herauf // 13.06.2020, NZZ

MIT's tiny new brain chip aims for AI in your pocket // 11.06.2020, Singularity Hub

OpenAI's text generator is going commercial // 11.06.2020, WIRED
The research institute was created to steer AI away from harmful uses. Now, it is - um - being released:  it’s competing with tech giants to sell a cloud-computing service to business

Microsoft won't sell police its facial-recognition technology, following similar moves by Amazon ad IBM // 11.06.2020, Washington Post

Quantum computing's error problem // June 2020, ScienceNews
A report of quantum supremacy built up expectations for superlative qubit-based calculators. But reliability needs a major boost before these devices fully make their mark.

Scientists quantum entangled a record-breaking 15 trillion atoms // 08.06.2020, Futurism

Universe's coolest lab creates bizarre quantum matter in space // 11.06.2020, Nature

Turing Lecture: Provably beneficial AI (Youtube) // 27.05.2020, Lecture by Stuart Russel

Is it reasonable to expect that AI capabilities will eventually exceed those of humans across a range of real-world-decision making scenarios? Should this be a cause for concern? While some in the mainstream AI community dismiss the issue, Professor Russell will argue instead that a fundamental reorientation of the field is required: instead of building systems that optimise arbitrary objectives, we need to learn how to build systems that will, in fact, be beneficial for us.

GESDA Platform 2: Human augmentation

Meet STACI: your interactive guide to the rapid advances of AI in health care // 08.06.2020, STATnews
Artificial intelligence becomes its own sub-industry within health care and is only projected to grow larger — a $6.6 billion industry by next year according to one estimate. Keeping up with AI's various facets, including how it can be deployed, what privacy concerns it raises, as well as whether the tool lives up to the hype, can be a challenge. To that end, meet STACI: the STAT Terminal for Artificial Computer Intelligence.
Based on this report "AI: Healthcare's new nervous system", by Accenture

The future of AI and digital healthcare, Special Report // Financial Times
Digital and data tools are fundamentally changing approaches to health and the design of health systems, but governance models have not followed the pace of innovation. The Lancet & Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030 is exploring the convergence of digital health, AI and other frontier technologies with universal health coverage to bolster the health and well-being of future generations.

20 things you didn't know about longevity // 12.06.2020, Discover

Engineered human cells could propel drugs through the body // 11.06.2020, Futurism

After the madness - pandemic silver linings in bioscience // 04.06.2020, NEO.LIFE
Will the frenzied rush to understand and treat SARS-CoV-2 bring longer lasting benefit to the world of scientific research and medicine?

The search for microbial dark matter // 08.06.2020, Nature
Researchers are developing technologies to find and grow microbes that biologists have struggled to culture in the lab.

>  Labs puts mice in suspended animation. Will it work on humans? // 11.06.2020, Futurism

Nature provides roadmap to potential breakthroughs in solar energy technology // 11.06.2020, Press release Michigan State University
About this Nature paper: "Leveraging excited-state coherence for synthetic control of ultrafast dynamics"

Dynamic stimulation of visual cortex lets blind people ‘see’ shapes // 03.06.2020, Physics World


GESDA Platform 3: Eco-regeneration and geoengineering

Scientists are trying to save coral reefs. Here's what's working // 04.06.2020, National Geographic

26 ways to launch a clean energy future out of the pandemic recovery // Bloomberg, 09.06.2020

Ocean data need a sea change to help navigate the warming world // 08.06.2020, Nature
Open up, share and network information so that marine stewardship can mitigate climate change, overfishing and pollution.

Underwater drones join hunt for trillions in mineral riches trapped on ocean’s floor // 06.06.2020, CNBC

Le forçage génétique : bénéfices, risques et applications possibles // June 2020, SCNat
Fiche d'information préparée avec la collaboration de 25 expertes et experts, sous la conduite du Forum Recherche génétique

This is the company NASA wants to deliver its "water-hunting" robot to the Moon // 11.06.2020, CNN

The Bio Revolution is changing business and society // 08.06.2020, STATNews

The confluence of biology and computing is already creating new capabilities.

> United Nations office for outer space affairs (UNOOSA) announce agreement to advance space sustainability // 10.06.2020, SpaceWatch.Global


GESDA Platform 4: Science and Diplomacy

La Charte des Nations Unies a 75 ans: le conseiller fédéral Ignazio Cassis souligne l’importance du multilatéralisme dans la gestion des crises mondiales // 10.06.2020, DFAE
Le conseiller fédéral Ignazio Cassis a participé à une table ronde virtuelle du Forum des petits États en compagnie du secrétaire général de l’ONU, António Guterres. Les entretiens ont porté sur les défis qui se posent à l’ONU 75 ans après sa fondation.

Science and politics: a new alliance? // 09.06.2020, Social Europe

Le dilemme de l'OMS // 12.06.2020, Die Welt (repris dans Le Figaro)
Suite à l’annonce du retrait des États-Unis de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, la Fondation Gates pourrait bien devenir le principal bailleur de fonds de l’organisation.

New unity needed amid challenges of new global age (by Jeffrey Sachs) // 08.06.2020, ChinaDaily

Science advice cannot solve political dilemmas, says new Joint Research Center director // 04.06.2020, Science|Business

Global deals to save oceans were in reach. Then Covid-19 hit // 08.06.2020, Bloomberg

They are critical to stop overfishing and slow global warming. Now environmentalists fear the chance may be lost. Covid-19 has badly disrupted diplomatic work to protect oceans.


Le business très juteux des revues scientifiques // 12.06.2020, Le Figaro
Comment l'épidémie de Covid-19 a révélé les failles des publications scientifiques // 12.06.2020, Le Figaro

COVID-19 challenges New York's future // 11.06.2020, The Economist
Great cities after the pandemic // 11.06.2020, The Economist

Francis Waldvogel: «La science essaie d’approfondir, mais peine à répondre aux grandes questions» // 10.06.2020,

Peter Brabeck-Letmathe: this is how I survived the coronavirus // 05.06.2020, CNN Money Switzerland

The Future of Quantum Computing with IBM's Dario Gil (YouTube// 08.05.2020, IBM Lecture

Join Director of IBM Research Dario Gil to hear how you can access and program quantum computers on the IBM Cloud today. (Especially at 26:20)


Immunizing Global Health Against Disruptions (webinar) // 23.06.2020, 14:00 - 15:00, organised by the Graduate Institute

Have a very nice and fruitful week! :-)
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