
Newsletter #22



How to set up React Native project using Expo CLI

A nice tutorial on how to start your first React Native project using the well known Expo CLI.

Introducing GitHub Super Linter: one linter to rule them all

Setting up a new repository with all the right linters for the different types of code can be time consuming and tedious. So many tools and configurations to choose from and often more than one linter is needed to cover all the languages used... Read more 

Go async in Vue 3 with Suspense

Vue 3 is coming with some exciting new features. Composition API is the hottest one at the moment but there are others that very exciting as well. 

Next.js 101: What you should know

Chances are if you pay attention to the web development space, you might have been hearing quite a bit about Next.js. Why the hype? What’s so exciting about it? Nobody knows. Just kidding. I know. And I’ll tell you.

Avoid Nesting when you're Testing

Why using hooks like beforeEach as a mechanism for code reuse leads to unmaintainable tests and how to avoid it.

Angular Directives Demystified

Directives are one of the least used features in Angular. They are often overlooked as devs typically tend to put all the logic into components. Lack of a clear understanding of how directives work also contributes to their underuse. In this article, you will learn all about directives, when and how to use them, and look at some useful real-world examples to cement this understanding.

Setting up a CI/CD workflow on GitHub Actions for a React App (with GitHub Pages and Codecov)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple workflow that you can use on your personal projects with React.

Sharing React Components between a Web App and an Electron Desktop App

This tutorial will help you learn how to reuse components written for a React-based web application, in a React Electron-based desktop application.

Tips for End to End Testing with Puppeteer

Some tips and tricks from someone who’s used Puppeteer a lot.

Cool projects

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