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Texas State Board of Pharmacy
Agency News - June 2020

TSBP Issues COVID-19 Testing Guidance for Pharmacists and Pharmacies

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy has added COVID-19 testing guidance for pharmacists and pharmacies to our coronavirus guidance statements page. Note that all testing results must be reported to Texas DSHS as required by Governor Abbott’s executive order.

From Texas DSHS:

“Lab reports must include all information required by the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 97.3, including the following: patient name; identification number; patient address; telephone number; age; date of birth; sex; race; ethnicity; disease; diagnostic indicators (date specimen collected, specimen source, disease test type, test results, date of report, and clinical indicators); date of onset; physician or practitioner name; address; and telephone number.”
Read the complete guidance statement here:
Read Texas DSHS’s guidance on reporting here:
Visit our main coronavirus resource page here:


TSBP Adopts Mental Health Awareness CE Requirement for Pharmacists

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy adopted a new mental health awareness CE requirement for pharmacists at the May 2020 Board meeting. This requirement is not required for renewal until after August 31, 2021 and before September 1, 2023.

You can find more information about this and other pharmacist CE requirements on our website here:


REMINDER: OTC Dextromethorphan Sales Require Photo ID

REMINDER: Per House Bill 1518 (86th Texas Legislature, Regular Session), businesses are prohibited from dispensing, distributing, or selling dextromethorphan to a customer under 18 years of age. Purchase of dextromethorphan now requires photo ID.
However, the bill does not apply to the sale of any product dispensed or delivered by a pharmacist according to a valid prescription issued by a practitioner.
This bill became effective September 1, 2019.

You can review this and other pharmacy-related bill summaries for bills passed by the 86th Texas Legislature on our website here.


Maintaining Wellness During a Pandemic:PRN logo
Tips for Pharmacy Professionals Living Through COVID-19

By Eden Males, LCSW
Director, TPA Professional Recovery Network

COVID-19 has brought many changes and stressors for everyone in a short period of time. Pharmacists and their staff have the additional stresses of being on the front lines every day during this pandemic.

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, “four in ten adults overall (45%) feel that worry and stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health”. (Kirzinger, 2020). The Texas Pharmacy Association’s Professional Recovery Network (PRN) has seen this reflected in increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicidality among the healthcare professionals we serve. We also see in such times of stress an increase in people using substances (i.e., drugs or alcohol) when stressed instead of healthier coping and self-care options. According to research firm Nielson, online sales of alcohol increased 234% in the United States from March 2020 – April 2020. (The Neilsen Company (US) LLC, 2020).

Prior economic struggles in our society have been linked to an increase in suicide rates of up to 13%. COVID-19 is not just impacting everyone economically, but is also affecting our physical health and causing a reduction in socialization. Isolation is directly linked to an increase in depression and is an increased risk factor for those struggling with substance use issues.

A prolonged chronic stress response causes one’s body to repeatedly activate its fight, flight, or freeze response. As a result, a person will release a heightened level of stress hormones, which can directly affect the immune system and its ability to fight off illness.

Now, more than ever, it is important for pharmacists to take care of themselves to reduce their stress and protect their all-around wellness before it becomes a more debilitating and potentially impairing issue. Given the stress of the pandemic, it is vital to utilize a full wrap-around approach to ensure sufficient self-care as healthcare professionals working in a pharmacy. This approach should include three important aspects: mental wellness, physical wellness, and staying connected.
Mental Wellness
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reported 41% more calls and emails to their hotline from March 1, 2020 to April 23, 2020. (Morgan, 2020). Mental wellness requires utilizing activities or practices to ensure you are breaking out of negative thinking patterns and reducing your stress hormone levels. For example, practicing gratitude changes our perceptions and helps our attitudes to be more positive and optimistic. In addition, meditation, mindfulness, and deep breathing can all help your mental wellness. Apps such as Affirmations, Grateful, Calm, Headspace, Breathe and Mood Tools can help you get a start on your gratitude or meditation practices.

A deep breathing exercise is to breathe in for five seconds, hold for one second, and exhale for 10 seconds. Repeat for as long as you prefer and is comfortable. You will notice that this will start to relax your entire body.

Many may feel the need for additional support during this stressful time. There are numerous online support groups being offered for free for those struggling with substance use issues, anxiety, etc. Therapy can also be an incredible resource to help obtain mental wellness. Most therapy practices have transitioned to offering telehealth modalities, which has resulted in many therapists having greater appointment availabilities. Therapists are now able to bill insurance for telehealth platforms as well in light of COVID-19. You can now receive therapeutic services from the comfort of your own home!

Physical Wellness
Taking care of ourselves physically is important. As we know, poor diet can negatively affect our mental health, while exercise can increase our immunity and release endorphins and serotonin to boost our mood. Yoga is a great activity that can incorporate both relaxation and exercise within the same practice. Many yoga studios are offering live-streamed classes right now as well. There is also a plethora of online exercise routines you can find through local gyms or YouTube.

Consider incorporating more vitamin-rich foods or smoothies to help boost your health and immunity during this time. Our food consumption can drastically support our mental wellness. If you are struggling with anxiety, be mindful of your caffeine intake as it can exacerbate those symptoms. Instead of going for that second cup of coffee, consider trying a calming herbal tea.

Remember, we physically hold stress in our bodies, which can result in shoulder/neck pain, hip pain, and back pain. Additionally, those working in a pharmacy are navigating a physically demanding job in addition to their day-to-day stressors. Some options to take care of your body and relax could include soaking in an Epsom salt bath with soothing smells incorporated (i.e., eucalyptus or lavender) or at-home massage options. There are many affordable at-home back, neck, or feet massager options available online that can be a great addition to your evening wellness routine to help reduce stress and tension.

Staying Connected
Staying connected to our community, family and friends during this time of social distancing is very important, since we know isolation is linked to mental health and substance use issues. There are many apps to help us stay connected to family and friends in creative ways, such as Voxer, FaceTime, and Zoom. Houseparty is an app that actually allows you to play games with your loved ones while video chatting.

Many churches and faith-based communities are utilizing online methods to encourage their communities to stay connected. Remember, those online support groups and recovery-related meetings such as AA/NA are available to encourage ongoing supportive connection. This is also a great time to reconnect with nature. Spending time in nature has been found to help with stress, anxiety, and depression. is an incredible website that provides daily meditations and positive mantras, COVID-19 information, tools for parents to support children during this time, and many more supportive resources.

Pharmacists and pharmacy staff work incredibly hard to put their patient care first. However, right now it is important to remember that as pharmacy professionals you cannot be available to take care of your patients if you do not first take care of yourself. A self-care routine is pivotal to ensuring your mental health is protected so you can continue to operate at the same high standard required to ensure patient safety during this pandemic.

The Professional Recovery Network (PRN) is a nationally recognized peer assistance program recognized by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and is staffed by master-level mental health professionals. We are here to support pharmacists and student pharmacists who may be struggling with substance use or mental health issues. If you, or a colleague, is in need of additional resources or support during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to PRN at (800) 727-5152 or



  • Ashley Kirzinger, A. K. (2020, April 2). Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from The Impact Of Coronavirus On Life In America:
  • Hutchins Coe, E. &. (2020, April 2). McKinsey & Company. Retrieved from
  • Kirzinger, A. K. (2020, April 2). The Impact Of Coronavirus On Life In America. Retrieved from Kaiser Family Foundation:
  • Morgan, G. (2020, May 10). Voice of America . Retrieved from
  • The Neilsen Company (US) LLC. (2020, May 7). Retrieved from

Upcoming Board Meeting - August 4, 2020

The next Texas State Board of Pharmacy Board Meeting will be held in August. TSBP Board Meetings are open to the public, and interested parties are encouraged to attend.*

Details of the upcoming meeting are as follows:

Date: August 4, 2020

Time: 9:00 a.m. – Conclusion

Location: 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 2-225, Austin, Texas 78701*

Agenda Materials: Posted here when available

Live Stream Information: TSBP is now live streaming meetings. See this page for details.

*NOTE: In the event that the Board meeting is conducted remotely, the location will be updated as soon as possible on our website here. Due to the nature of remote meetings, TSBP will not be able to provide continuing education credit since attendance cannot be verified.


Can you recognize non-therapeutic dispensing?

Failure of pharmacies and pharmacists to detect patterns of inappropriate dispensing of prescription drugs is unprofessional practice and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Visit our website here for resources to help you recognize and prevent non-therapeutic dispensing in your pharmacy.
Continuing Education (CE) Opportunities with TSBP

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy strives to bring additional learning opportunities to pharmacy professionals as the profession grows. TSBP offers several CE opportunities for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, with more to be added throughout the year. Take a look at our CE offerings on our catalog page here.
Do you know a pharmacist with any of the following symptoms?
  • Depressed
  • Drinking alcohol in more than moderate amounts
  • Abusing drugs
  • Has a physical or mental impairment
  • Not practicing pharmacy in a manner that is in the public’s interest
If you do, please give the Texas Pharmacy Association’s Professional Recovery Network (PRN) an opportunity to help. All calls are kept strictly confidential.
For information, visit the PRN website HERE or call the toll free Help Line: 1 (800) 727-5152

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The Texas State Board of Pharmacy is committed to providing exceptional customer service for all of our customers. Please take a moment to complete our customer service survey here: 

Thank you in advance for your time and opinion.

Upcoming Board Meetings

August 4, 2020
9 am, Board Business Meeting

November 3, 2020
9 am, Board Business Meeting

Board meeting agendas can always be found on our website here as each meeting date approaches and the agenda becomes available.
Copyright © 2020 Texas State Board of Pharmacy, All rights reserved.

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