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Lucca C&G 2020


from October 29th to November 1st


October 29, 2020 - Thursday
October 30, 2020 - Friday
October 31, 2020 - Saturday
01 November, 2020 - Sunday


The presence of new rules due to world events, as has already happened in past years, has necessarily changed the way of being and experiencing the fair, but it has certainly not blocked or slowed it down; the success of Lucca C&G is a constant that can hardly vanish. Today the new challenge is to be able to integrate a market fair into a digital world, a concept that has always been difficult for the fair, but which today is now a change that must take.

From October 29 to November 1:

Lucca online, Lucca live, Lucca diffused and Lucca on air

This year the fair will totally change its way of being and will present itself under 4 different pillars:

The city still the heart of events

the city still the heart of events. The physical place will not be abandoned, it is the symbol of the meeting that triggers the spark of creativity and makes relationships magical in an unmistakable context. In compliance with the provisions of the Guidelines drawn up by the Conference of the Regions relating to the Prime Minister's Decree of 11 June, there will be a widespread, contained and different physical dimension than usual: a cultural and spectacular festival in line with the protocols of static theaters (cinema , theaters and auditoriums). [..]

The event in the city will be present as every year, but it will have a fairly radical change and this is why the keywords of this pillar are:

  • DIFFUSED PHYSICAL DIMENSION: that is, it will probably be scattered over the whole city and spaced between the various parts (between the various tarpaulins).
  • CONTENT: it will certainly be smaller and probably less exhibitors, but we still do not know which ones will be excluded (there is reason to consider whether the giants of the comic or the small comic book retailers will be present).
  • Cultural and spectacular festival IN LINE WITH PROTOCOLS of STATIC SALA events (cinemas, theaters and auditoriums): a static, blocked, packet protocol. Certainly, the organization of the reservations for the previews and conferences will be made better this year than in the other years that the seats were sold out only to the most intrepid. But we hope that this definition applies only to the already present cinema events, conferences, workshops of past years.
  • SPECIFIC PARTICIPATION METHODS and RESTRICTIONS consistent with the current situation: there will certainly be procedures and reservations, the classic method we use around the city to see what is there at the moment will not be an option this year.
  • ACCESS to all activities will be allowed ONLY THROUGH TICKET: this data is very important, because it marks a radical change in the fair, due to force majeure; there will no longer be free areas, free events and events with tickets. And this will surely discourage last-minute visitors or simple onlookers.
  • COSPLAY: (through ticket only) including cosplay activities that will take place in some of the most beautiful historic buildings in Lucca: a difficult change to manage that of cosplay social control, even if official cosplay activities can be organized in closed places and limited admission, it is difficult to imagine that taking a photo with your favorite cosplay is prohibited by some regulation.

The digital world will be explored like never before

The digital world will be explored like never before, to offer unique appointments even to those who will be far and with those who will be far away: live and on demand events, booking activities with premium packages, previews and projections, advice for purchases, with ad hoc developed content also coming from the community, which remains the true protagonist of all the actions put in place.

  Digital and social activities will be enhanced, how they will unfold is yet to be discovered; but a sentence already tells us that there will be digital paid activities that can be purchased with "premium packages" as well as giving perhaps some digital sharing of the conferences and movie movie previews.


The Main Media Partnership with RAI and RAI RADIO2 Official Radio

The Main Media Partnership with RAI and RAI RADIO2 Official Radio. Italian public TV and radio take the field to support the great public event dedicated to comics and games in a historic moment in which support for the restart of cultural events becomes a real public service commitment. Side by side, like the protagonists of our favorite sagas, in the challenge of the millennium. After long months of isolation in which Rai Radio2 has effectively responded to the growing need for entertainment and information, in this new phase this recovery phase returns to follow the most relevant events on the Italian scene starting from Lucca Comics & Games. Together with them, other media partners will play a leading role, putting themselves to the test to experiment and take new paths together with the festival.

Rai and RaiRadio will become partners and close collaborators of the fair. This means that many of the usual events such as conferences and previews that normally took place at the fair will be followed and broadcast by RAI and its media. A fairly new collaboration that will have to prove itself at the height of the digital world of the network which is currently much more dynamic and effective on this type of content. It will not be easy to offer a complete and efficient service, but we will see how the events will go.

Here the keywords of this pillar are RADIO AND TV.

And finally ... the Campfires!

And finally ... the Campfires! Lucca Comics & Games will turn into a large festival spread throughout the country thanks to the involvement of the main stores specializing in comics, games and fantasy fiction. These indispensable places where passions are shared will become outposts distributed throughout Italy to offer cultural entertainment to the most active public there is. 1, 10, 100 Lucca Comics & Games where publishers will be able to offer special content and releases of the moment, in direct line with the activities carried out in Lucca and other campfires. [...]

Lucca Comics focuses with the partnerships outsourced in the area: it invites the shops and centers dedicated to the themes of the fair to participate as a mini exhibition venue for the Lucca C&G events. A new venture of the fair that tries to become an event no longer limited to a date, to a place but that extends widespread over its entire nation. A new experience that brings the fair practically to the home of its fans with the classic game and comic book previews.

The fair will thus be managed and presented to allow the event to continue to live, keeping the necessary caution necessary for current events: as the organizer Emanuele Vietina says.

“We wanted to respond with caution and resourcefulness to this great test. Because this is not the day to think that the festival can abandon the places that have hosted it for 54 years, and empty the monuments of Lucca of dreams and its fans. This is not the day to give up giving support to an editorial sector that finds the moment of maximum expression in the event. Last year Lucca Comics & Games celebrated the value of Becoming Human, becoming human: and this will certainly not be the day when, giving up our program, we will abandon the inclusive soul of our festival and our community ".

[..] We are aware that we cannot think of selling 271,000 tickets, that we will not have 700,000 admissions; we will therefore welcome a sufficient number of people to liven up a city (but also the neighboring territories that benefit from an important supply chain) that awaits that event with great hope. This is why I think Lucca Comics & Games should be played and should also be understood as the symbolic contribution of the city of Lucca to the rebirth of the country ".

All the informative material of this newsletter is taken from the press release of the official website
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