
News from the kids room

Join us for a virtual field trip to the Seacoast Science Center!

What does it mean to be a member of the SSC Marine Mammal Rescue Team? Meet a team member to learn more about why and how SSC responds to these stranded animals, and discover the great variety of marine mammals that live here in the Gulf of Maine. Kids will virtually visit SSC's marine mammals exhibits, including our impressive whale and rescue exhibits, then watch our team member perform a mock seal response. They will observe the tools, procedures and precautions that these marine scientists take when working in the field and lab.

This program is limited to 24 attendees, so sign up today! 

Kids, Teens and Adults can all sign up and begin our fun Summer Reading Program!

This year we're using a program called ReadSquared, where you can track your reading, earn fun badges, play games, and even win prizes!

Visit ReadSquared website, or download their app & get started!

We also have our reading bingo boards again to give you a little reading inspiration. Print your own  or we'll include one with any kids books you check out a curbside.


Storytime is back! Check out our first summer storytime here 
Dial A Story: You can now call us at (603) 772-4346 and listen to a story anytime! Give it a try!
We are checking out around 150 items every week for curbside lending -- and it's growing! How can you get books from the library? Place your hold in our catalog ( and we'll call you when your items are ready!

Learn more about the curbside pickup process. Give us a call with any questions at 772-4346 or send us an email: You will receive a call from us with instructions when your hold is available for curbside pickup.

Each Monday we'll be on FB Live with another camptastic craft for you to do along with us for the Children's Summer Reading Program! Most materials are easily found around the house, but we'll also be providing materials in take-home kits that will be available beginning June 15th.

If you are following along with the ReadSQUARED version of our program, you can earn the "Super Crafter" badge by participating in THREE of these Camptastic Craft events! Make sure to stick around until the end to get the secret code.


- 7/13: Craft Stick Catapult (need craft sticks and plastic spoon)

- 7/20: Nature's Paintbrush (need sticks and natural items)

- 7/27: Treasure Box (need craft sticks and glue)

- 8/3: Shoebox Surprises! (need shoebox and crafty items)
**ONLINE EVENT! REGISTRATION REQUIRED for all Tech Tuesday events. Please use our web calendar to register: **

Tech Tuesdays for kids is all about having fun while using technology! Make a design for our 3-D printer, do some coding, visit out island on Animal Crossing, and choose your own (digital) adventure! Registrants will be sent the log-in information for Zoom or Animal Crossing via email.
Wiggin Kids Calendar
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