

We all know filling out our census is super important, but why is that? UACC provides several resources in this newsletter that better explain what's at stake for underrepresented populations and how to have comprehensive conversations with others about the implications the 2020 Census could mean for our country. 

In addition to many other great local resources, check out this week's blog post centered around Matthew Whitenack, owner and founder of Gotham Guru - a travel-based business in New York City. Learn more about Matthew's experiences as an Urban Appalachian in the Big Apple, his passion for storytelling, and his thoughts on The New York Times Bestseller, Hillbilly Elegy.

2020 Census Information
The Cincinnati Counts Committee is encouraging all member organizations to think of the importance of getting people to participate in the 2020 Census as we celebrate Independence Day and beyond and fight for national revival of the idea of equal rights for all. 

The material below suggests reasons for individuals to complete the census and suggests ways our organizations can help make the census available in hard to count neighborhoods. Please look this material over and let Mike ( know if you have ideas of how to increase community participation in the census or just do what you can in your own neighborhood. I hope some of these talking points will be useful:

The census builds America, so the census count should look like AmericaEveryone deserves to be counted — and should be —  for the benefit of their communities, their families, and their own well being.

As the Fourth of July approaches, we are reminded that many communities are still not free from discrimination, fear and racism. Making sure our communities are counted helps give us a say in who leads the political institutions that have the power to protect or harm us. It is a way to help reclaim those resources and bring in funding for health care, food, housing, and schools. 

Political change starts with political power, and everyone can build their power by participating in the 2020 Census.
  • Everyone living in the United States has the right to be counted in the 2020 Census. Every immigrant, every child, every neighbor, every student, everyone.
  • Even if you can’t vote, filling out the 2020 Census is a way to make your voice heard.
There’s power in numbers and participating in the 2020 Census helps give us the visibility we need to demand real change for our communities. ” Filling out the census says, “we’re here, we’re part of America, and our needs count.
  • Too many of us don’t see our needs reflected in the funding our communities receive or in the policies that govern us. The census is a way to claim space -- you can influence how much money flows into your community and how it’s spent.
  • Advocates and lawyers need census data to enforce the laws that protect our civil rights. The census shows the makeup of our communities which can help prove when discrimination occurs.
  • Getting counted also helps give your community fair political representation. Make sure your elected officials, from Congress to city council, represent the actual concerns of your community, not someone else’s agenda.
Whether it’s putting money into schools and community food programs, protection from discrimination, or freedom from violence, our communities deserve to be made whole. The 2020 Census is a tool for change -- use it. 

--Micahel Maloney 
Census Responses Are Lower In Poorer Areas; Here's What Ohio Is Doing About It.

Poorer counties tend to have much lower response rates than richer ones. With so much on the line — congressional representation, funding allocation to local communities — this disparity could lead to some places getting left behind. Read the full article here.

Future Housing Plans for Hamilton County

Recently, the Community Building Institute (CBI) and Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) released a study on the state of housing affordability in our region. The study identified the need for an additional 40,000 affordable housing units. Affordable means that a person is not paying more than 30% of their income on rent or mortgage.

Housing Our Future is a 10 year, community-wide housing strategy to address the housing needs in Cincinnati and Hamilton County that were documented in the CBI/LISC study. The strategy outlines actions and resources to address housing affordability challenges. Local housing and community development leaders came together and volunteered their time on the steering committee and working groups convened by Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) and LISC. More than 200 people contributed financial support or volunteered time, insight and expertise.

The Housing Our Future vision is that everyone in Cincinnati and Hamilton County will have access to quality housing in the places they want to live. Find the press release here and more information on the report here.

COVID-19 Information for Cincinnati & Hamilton County
A Message from Cincinnati Radical Justice Coalition

People in the streets for Racial Justice are making great strides in Cincinnati. Because of the protests, the Budget for the City of Cincinnati has taken steps in the right direction with Youth Jobs, Eviction Prevention and Affordable Housing.

Let’s keep this momentum going by moving forward together on Racial Justice policies to create true equity and opportunity in our City. We have had one previous meeting attend by 60 individuals and representatives of organizations at the Urban League on Tuesday, June 23. We are moving to a larger venue for increased social distancing. Masks and sanitizer will be available. Minutes are forthcoming.

Join together Tuesday, July 7th at 6:30 P.M. for the Cincinnati Racial Justice Coalition at the New Prospect Baptist Church 1580 Summit Rd. 45237. Hope you can make it or send a representative!

Justice and Equity,
Brian Garry
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