
Greetings from the Grand Secretary

The Grand Lodge Messenger
July 2020
Message From M.W. Chris J. Coffman
Grand Master

My Brothers,

Thank you again for having the confidence in me to elect me as your Grand Master.  I hope to be able to live up to your expectations.  I promise to do everything in my power to serve and protect our Gentle Craft.

The start of this year is not anything like any of us anticipated.  The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all of us is immense.  While we all wish we could meet again in person, it just is not possible at this time. 

While we cannot meet in person, this does not mean we may forget about each other and our Masonic values.  If there is one thing the last 4 months has taught us, it is that we can continue to practice Freemasonry.  So, what do we do at a Stated meeting? We open using our ritual, we read the minutes, pay bills, vote on candidates, confer degrees, elect and install the following year’s officers, and provide education. 

Esoteric work is not allowed to be done via teleconferencing.  So, we can’t open Lodge or confer degrees.  Both MWB Charles Wood and I have given the Lodge executive committees the power to pay bills and administer Charity even though the Lodges are unable to hold their Stated Meetings.  I believe in the sanctity of the ballot box and that black cube, therefore we cannot vote on candidates for the degrees using teleconferencing.  Similarly, there is no rush to have a Brother prove up on the first or second degree if we cannot confer the next degree.   Lodges are not required to hold their election of officers until December 14.  Even if they usually hold their elections earlier, the new officers will not be able to be installed until the Lodge can open.

This brings us to fellowship and education.  Many Lodges and districts have used the pandemic as an opportunity to provide fellowship with Brothers throughout the country and world and to provide meaningful education.  For example, Manito Lodge in Spokane recently held a Zoom meeting that included participation of over 100 Brothers from both our Grand Lodge and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction.  This was well attended and enlightening.  Districts 8 and 13 are holding regular virtual meetings on a wide variety of subjects.

I strongly encourage all Lodges and Districts to engage in these types of activities.  If you need help setting these meetings up there is help available.  You just need to ask.

Keep safe.

Remember the Past, Visualize the Future,
Chris Coffman
Grand Master
From the Desk of R.W. Clint M. Brown, Jr.
Grand Secretary


First, I would like to say thank you for re-electing me to serve as the Grand Secretary for the Grand Lodge of Washington.  It is truly an honor to serve the Brethren and Lodges of this Jurisdiction. 

Just because we are not able to meet in person does not mean that Masonry stops.  The Grand Lodge office is open and operating at full strength.  Our hours are the same and we are filling orders from the Lodges.  While we are not currently accepting any visitors, we are more than happy to respond to phone calls and emails.  Give us a call.  We look forward to hearing from you.

The Grand Master and your Grand Lodge elected line will conduct another Zoom meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM.  The invitation for this meeting will be sent out to all Masons in the jurisdiction and can also be found on Grand View under My Portal/ Feeds.   This is your opportunity to ask the Grand Master or the elected officers questions and to let us know about issues that you may be facing in your Lodge.  I believe we have corrected the issues that we had last time with Zoom, so I look forward to seeing you all there. 

I am planning on holding numerous Zoom workshops over the summer to work with Lodge Secretaries (and those who are thinking about becoming a Lodge Secretary).  We will discuss topics such as best practices, common questions about the Washington Masonic Code and some of the new tools that are available to use on Grand View.  We will also be scheduling different seminars and forums to discuss some of the issues that may be facing Lodges or Temple Boards during the pandemic.  I will be posting information regarding these workshops on Grand View.  So please watch your emails for topics, dates and times.

I have been working with the Research and Education committee to move the Proficiency in Lodge Management Exam from the Grand Lodge website to Grand View.  This has been a rather slow process as we want to ensure that the test questions and answers are accurate.  I hope to have the Proficiency in Lodge Management Exam completed and uploaded onto Grand View by mid-August or before.  Once they are on Grand View, you will simply need to sign on and go to the My Portal section and click on Masonic Exams.   We are also working on other Masonic education programs which when completed will be uploaded to Grand View.

Finally, I want to make sure that everyone is aware that the Grand Mound Historical Lodge, No. 3 Annual meeting has been cancelled.  However, we would love to have you as a new member and to join us next year for the Annual Picnic and Meeting in Olympia, WA.  A life membership in Grand Mound Lodge is only $100.00 and petitions can be found under the resources section of Grand View.  Simply send in your petition, check and a copy of your dues card to my address at the Grand Lodge office.

Have a great summer and everyone stay safe and healthy.

Clint Brown
Grand Secretary
From The Desk of V.W. Clayton LaVigne
Assistant Grand Secretary



…”From the desk of the Assistant Grand Secretary.”

That caption’s been up there for the past several editions of the Messenger. But this time, I’m looking back at that very idea, as that “desk” has moved around over the last few months.

For almost two years, the Brethren who have visited the Grand Lodge office have become familiar with where my desk is. But that changed when we shut the Grand Lodge office down towards the end of March. At that point, I moved my station to my old desk, on the 3rd floor of the Centralia Masonic Lodge building. While I didn’t have the resources and capabilities that I had up at the Grand Lodge office, I was still able to assist you in your Lodge duties and answer your questions, just in a modified manner. I was also able to attend several Zoom meetings from the Centralia Lodge office, including preparatory meetings for our Annual Communication. I would like to thank the Brethren of Centralia Lodge, No. 63 for letting me use my old desk again for the last three months. I truly appreciate it.

And now, like the rest of the staff, I’m back in the Grand Lodge office here in University Place. Only now I’ve moved into the desk of my predecessor, RWB Don Campbell. As many of you know, RWB Don retired at the end of April of this year. I've known RWB Don for just over 20 years, back when he was still VWB Don, in his second term as Worshipful Master of Steilacoom Lodge, No. 2 and a member of a couple of Grand Lodge committees. We had crossed paths in our travels several times, so by the time I became the Assistant to the Grand Secretary in 2018, we had a well-established relationship that was very helpful in “Learning the ropes” of being a member of the Grand Lodge Staff. I would like to thank you, RWB Don, not only for helping me in this regard, but also for everything you have done, and still do, for our Craft.

Like RWB Clint says, we stand on the shoulders of giants. There are times that we run across documents that are signed by RWB's Ed Bennett, Horace Tyler, and even Thomas Reed! While it is really neat when we think about the times that they were the Grand Secretary, we also realize that decades from now, there will be Brethren who will be doing Masonic research and coming across the documents we write, the issues that we faced, and how we faced them. And yes, this year will likely be one of the primary years that they'll be researching. And I'm proud of the way the Grand Lodge team had planned and carried out the important Masonic functions over the last few months.

As I worked in my old desk in Centralia, and as I settle into my new desk, I've been handling some items that show great promise for the future of our Craft. I'll be touching upon them in my future articles.

Have a great and safe summer!

VWB Clayton M. M. La Vigne
Assistant Grand Secretary

Sickness & Distress – Masonic Outreach Services is Here to Assist

Do you know a Mason, Masonic widow, or member of our Masonic family who needs assistance due to age, illness, disability, or hardship?  Maybe you could use a little help yourself? Masonic Outreach Services’ Care Coordinators and Certified Senior Advisors spend time visiting with our clients to tailor solutions that help them lead dignified and meaningful lives by remaining independent or finding the right solution for their daily needs.

Please, if you know someone who can use our assistance, help them connect with us by calling, toll free, (844) 288-3531 or

Grand Lodge Events

July 21, 2020 - 7:00 PM - Q&A Meeting with the Grand Line
Links to a Zoom Meeting will be distributed to all participants beforehand


The Grand Lodge Offices are open but
will remain closed to visitors due to the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Grand Lodge Website
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