
Writer Express

Everyone has a story
Hi <<First Name>>,

I hope you are at home and safe.

The stay-at-home situation is slowly creeping up to us, and we're trying everything we can to keep our minds occupied. One of the ways we're doing this, is by tuning into webinars -- there are so many of them these days!

I've jumped on the bandwagon too. In May I teamed up with TravelTroovel (a hobby experience company) to conduct an Instagram live workshop on composting at home. Since then, I've worked behind the screens with other organisations, helping them host webinars.

And now, I've teamed up with TravelTroovel again, to create a storytelling course. Introducing the Writer Express.

During the course we'll explore the components of storytelling, with an emphasis on writing for fiction. I'm also creating worksheets to help participants write their own stories.

We're running the pilot workshop over 4 sessions, spread across two weekends. The first weekend covers the foundations to help create a story, while the second weekend focusses on refining it.

The sessions are fully interactive and modular -- that is, you can opt to attend all four sessions, or just one of the weekends (2 sessions).

I hope you'll join us, and please spread the word amongst those who might be interested.

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The mind wants to wander. Following up on long-lost hobbies, or picking up new ones is a great way to help calm the mind. For me, that's writing, composting, and crafts. I'm also trying out new recipes these days. What hobbies are you indulging in? Are there any fun courses or webinars you've attended lately? I'd love to know.

Stay safe, and have fun!

Warm Regards,
PS: Here are recordings of 2 e-vents I've conducted in the recent past:
  • Instagram Live: Composting at home, with materials at home
    Hosted by TravelTroovel
    During this session I demonstrated how I make compost at home, and how you can turn kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich food for your plants. It's easy and fun. And if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them here as well.
    Video length: 43 minutes -- though just the first 15 minutes will cover everything (Watch video now)

  • Webinar: Embracing Technology during Covid-19: Cybersecurity & Robotic Process Automation
    Featuring Venkat Iyer (PwC) and R. Karthik (S&P Global)
    Organising this webinar, and working behind the screens closely with the speakers was a richly rewarding experience. Cybersecurity and Automation aren't exactly fun topics. But the experts in this session do a wonderful job of explaining the concepts in plain English, without any techie jargon.
    Video length: 1 hour and 4 minutes -- highly recommend watching it in full! (Watch video now)
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PS: Today is not Tuesday. But good ideas seldom are confined to specific days. And what better example of a great idea, than sharing this email!
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