Hello Master <<First Name>>,
Living in two time zones parallelly,

I very much experience both Ontario's gradual reopening
and Israel's gradual reclosing,
happening at the same time, in a similar pace,
like a slow, harmonious revolving doors dance.
Like the natural movement
of expansion and contraction.

A few days ago,

I opened my eyes in the morning to a bright crystal clear insight:
"There is no 'other' reality; This is reality.
The only one, to work and live with."
The next thing I knew was the reading of a new message on a social media group,
open and honest,
sharing the difficulty to stay grateful in the “new normal”,
when everything seems like being taken away.
And the strong sense of victimhood, being controlled and powerlessness,
and less clarity and hope,
when meditation does help, but the effect does not last long.

That day was transformative for me,

and after that I suddenly looked at my world through new eyes,
when every thing and every item were questioned;


But today, I wanted to invite us

to take a close look into the hardness many people experience
around the abrupt radical reality change, and its acceptance,
and see what can help to calm down, ground,
and find a new balance and flow.  

Feel a bit off?

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among like minded soulful people 

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Heal Your Reality WhatsApp group
to get inspired, empowered, connected and supported
and to receive a daily message from the cards.

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Let’s start by realizing,

that any earthly reality - new or not,
can be a straggle to accept.
Our reality isn’t aligned with our soul,
but with our karmic injury –
through which the protective ego was built.

And being here,
our main mission is to balance and heal this injury,
through inner work of shedding attachments and thoughts.

It's for us, as by consciously doing that,
we experience less and less suffering,
gain more and more inner freedom,
and instead of being created through injury/ego -
our reality is more and more created by the liberated soul,
attracting that which matches its unconditional love and connection vibrations –
a soul-aligned reality.

While many refer to meditation as a tool,

meditation is actually a way of life,
a state of mind.
To make a change,
meditation must be accompanied with a direct work
on beliefs, thoughts, conditioning, paradigms,
through tools that actively dissolve and transform them -
that rewire the brain, and create new paths and habits.

The meditation as a tool, is essential for the implementation,
but stand alone,
it will just relax the thinking of the problem for a short while,
and then the problem is back,
still here.

Here is one way for 'How to':
As we saw before,
straggle is experienced when there is a gap
between the present and the ideal reality,
contains expectations and their consequences –
what should have been, how things should have looked like.

Suffering is experienced
when we identify with those imagined stories
floating in the gap.
To shift from misery and victimhood into peace and freedom,
the gap should be closed.
It requires to separate from the story,
and lean back into the inner witness - an observer, a guest in the world –
alive and involved, but not attached.

Instead, yes attentive, responsive, open, curious, exploring and experiencing.

The gap doesn't hold us.
It's us clinging to the gap and the stories –
just because we are so used to them, they are already familiar and known.
They're actually our Comfort Zone.
And afraid of the unknown, we stay there for their benefits.

If we like to change and transform,

we need to be active about it.
To claim our mastery.

There is a variety of efficient profound tools to do so
(I'll offer opportunities to learn and practice them soon).
In the meantime, let's try this –
writing by hand is always the best -
let's take victimhood/controlled as an example:

1. Understand the present (e.g victimhood/controlled):
  • Define it; What does it include? How does it look like?
  • What's the problem/suffering with living this way?
  • How does it make you feel?
2. Ideal / desired reality (no sense of victimhood/controlled; what yes?):
  • Define it; What does it include? How does it look like?
  • What makes it so desired for you?
  • How would you feel living like that?
  • How would it affect different areas of your life?
3. The Gap

Look slowly and carefully at what you wrote so far.
Our efficient system wouldn’t hold on anything, unless it considers it beneficial.
  • What are the benefits in holding on the current situation / position (of victimhood/controlled)?
4. Fulfillment

Look at the benefits you found. we don’t want to totally lose them, right?
  • What is the balanced, healthy version of each benefit?
  • How are you going to make sure you have these balanced benefits in the new ideal reality?
5. Soul's core value

See if you can find this:
  • What is the fundamental essential value behind both realities? What was important to maintain?
6. Transformation

Do you feel more certain and comfortable to make the shift into your ideal reality?
Go through the work you did, and make sure it feels clear, safe and pleasant.
  • Step 1: close your eyes, take a slow breath, and envision yourself living this way. What is the first step into this world?
  • Step 2: Open your eyes, and make your first move.
We can’t control what is not ours,

we do have the responsibility for:
Who I am, What I am, and This very moment.
It looks like this stage of reality, volatile as is,
is very much about that.

About no past, no future, only here and now,
asking us for a full presence, attention and response.  

About jumping from the fence into our picked side –
Soul? Or ego?
Prosperity? Or withering?
This is now our conscious decision.

About the acknowledgement of the fact that this reality is here to stay –
in this way or another,
the letting go of what doesn't exist anymore,
and the reinvention into a brand new glorious, abundant way of being.

Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

Leader of My Life - Make Covid-19 Your Pivotal Time
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Is it time for you to get grounded, balanced and clear?

Find your focus, stability and motivation in the changing reality:
  • Pick what you need from the new COVID-19 special offers
  • At the convenience and the safety of your home, through Skype

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to get inspired, empowered, connected and supported
and to receive a daily message from the cards.

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Transformation Point · 30 Gloucester Street · Toronto, On M4Y 1L6 · Canada