Publishing, Sweating, Moving, Masking, and Surviving
Summer 2020 is a little extra special, eh? We've got crushing heat, a virus that isn't going anywhere, and people that aren't traveling anywhere. We also have a ton of exciting activist organizing and mutual aid projects, extraordinary protest movements building—winning some battles and working toward future victories. And people in our world are continuing to figure out how to publish, and create and write, and live in meaningful ways without losing hope and our ability to care for each other.
Through all of these challenges, we keep working in ways that make sense for our circumstances. Brett created a new Sonic Mediation booklet and has been knee-deep in boxes and moving—relocating from Auburn, Indiana to nearby Fort Wayne. Marc wrapped up printing 100 different issues of the daily Public Collectors publication Quaranzine. Our friend Rebecca Zorach picked a great time to make the book she edited, Art Against the Law, free to download as a PDF. It includes our own work as well as contributions from many inspiring peers. She asked if we'd host it and of course we said YES. Publishing force Josh MacPhee just released a new edition from his exciting Pound the Pavement series and we have copies of that for sale: Wash Your Hands. Marc's old zine publishing pal Ian Christie of Bazillion Points has released a massive Texas Punk photobook Texas is the Reason featuring the work of Pat Blashill. Just for you, the copies we have of that book will come with a free copy of the Hardcore Architecture photobooklet from Public Collectors.
The two of us are chipping away at a long new essay on book waste and how to evaluate the ecological impact of our publishing practice. We are also thinking a lot about how the pandemic will force many changes in small press, independent, artist publishing culture as it becomes clear that we aren't going to be able to resume business as usual any time soon. People have been incredibly supportive through mail orders and stores are starting to carry our publications again, but events and book fairs and fun in-person activities still seem a long way off. We ask you, our readers and—in many cases—our fellow publishers, how has COVID-19 affected your involvement in artist publications? Still buying books? Reading more PDFs and e-books? What about publishing? Are you postponing big projects or reducing your print runs? We'd be curious to hear what you are learning from this moment and how it is changing your participation in print culture.
From our sweaty bunkers to yours,
Marc & Brett


Sonic Meditation: Listening To The Ending Of Fossil-Fuel-Based Civilization
Sonic Meditation: Listening To The Ending Of Fossil-Fuel-Based Civilization
Sonic Meditation: Listening To The Ending Of Fossil-Fuel-Based Civilization [booklet + carved board]
Sonic Meditation: Listening To The Ending Of Fossil-Fuel-Based Civilization [booklet + carved board]
Texas is the Reason: The Mavericks of Lone Star Punk
Texas is the Reason: The Mavericks of Lone Star Punk
Wash Your Hands
Wash Your Hands
Art Against the Law [PDF]
Art Against the Law [PDF]


Reclaim Your Sh*t! Water. Beyond Value
Reclaim Your Sh*t! Water. Beyond Value
QUARANZINE - Assortment of 12 issues
QUARANZINE - Assortment of 12 issues
The Day Before The Revolution
The Day Before The Revolution
The Courtroom Artist Residency Report: Residencies #13-16
The Courtroom Artist Residency Report: Residencies #13-16
Deep Map: Prinzessinnengarten Kreuzberg 2019-2118
Deep Map: Prinzessinnengarten Kreuzberg 2019-2118
An Encyclopedia of Political Record Labels (2019 edition)
An Encyclopedia of Political Record Labels (2019 edition)

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