



Shabbat Shalom Blessings From Israel

שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם
י''ט תַּמּוּז 5780
Tamuz 19

 פָּרָשַׁת פִּינְחָס


To my Beloved Sisters:

A Blessings from the Galilee and the Holy Land of Israel to My Sisterhood Tribe @WorldPulse to Support Love, Hope, Unity, Peace and Higher Life Energies.

I want to grow faith with you, shine the grace of Divine healing love, the essence of life. Let's elevate the force inside us which wants to support and nurture a bright, positive uplifting love frequency for people all over the world. 

Let's strengthen the elements within us that glow with Divine light, beauty, and love. Celebrate the essences of tenderness, love, and giving. Sisters, please continue to inspire us, nurture healing and shift the consciousness of our Earth to love, growth, goodwill, kindness, brotherhood and sisterhood.

I honor and admire our feminine blessed healing sacred powers of goodness, compassion, understanding, bonding and loving. God bless us all. Thank you for shining on us.

Blessed Grace to you from the Hula Valley, the Galilee - Israel, Always.
♡ With love, Orit.
HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art
מַעֲשים טובִים ✡ אַהֲבַת יִשְׂרָאֵל 

Healing Faith Frequencies Print-Sacred Geometry Soul Art-Geometric Symbols-Secret Elements-A4 Printable Pdf Design-INSTANT DOWNLOAD HALELUYA $25.55

*Pack your bags
My Story for COVID-19 @WorldPulse

*Read my story
Sharing My COVID-19 Story with My Sisters

I love the Sisterhood @WorldPulse.
I feel welcomed, connected, at home. It lights a belonging place inside my heart beautifully. When WorldPulse asked our sisters worldwide to SPEAK NOW and share their stories about the disproportionate burden women face with COVID-19, I felt called to help in these times with love, encourage, support, by sharing my solutions-oriented story with my sisterhood.


*How does it feel?
Sharing My COVID-19 Feelings

I want to confess that the burden I have felt during these times as a single mom with 3 teenagers at home, plus my household duties of cleaning and cooking, felt like pure suffering, like it would stay forever.

When COVID-19 started, confusion, doubt and the unknown overwhelmed me. I felt powerless while earthy thoughts ruled my mind, and immobilized my spirit, body, and mind. Lack of certainty, and the threat of global instability upset my inner balance, triggering waves of struggle, suffering and pain. Automatically, my mind shifted to a survivor mindset.

I struggled to multitask the new reality with my strong will to grow my loves and stay focused on my work and business goals. Hopeless situations sent me by default to isolate in my backyard, sit under my lemon tree, and go within in order to connect to my secret superpowers: intuition, understanding, compassion, self-love, and higher life energy frequencies.



*The tools I use
More Me Time

I knew that the feeling of relief I was seeking wouldn't be found in the outside world. I knew that salvation would arise from the inner strength of my spirit, so prioritizing more time for journaling, art and morning meditations was a first-aid treatment in the battle against darkness and suffering.

I wanted to signal to my soul that self-love is the most stable foundation in the world that I can ever find and a safe ground to stand on. Making some more room for my ME TIME was crucial in the battle of coping with the overwhelming mental side effects that aimed to take over as the outside world developed alarming signs of a crisis.

I’m a strong believer in the grace of healing love as a way to connect us all to higher life frequencies. Practicing self-love is a way to gain body-heart connection, inner-balance, good health, and wellness. It taught me to focus on the force inside me which wants to support and elevate a bright, positive uplifting love frequency for the people of Earth. Low energies made me crawl into myself. High frequencies raised my devotion to my loves--art, journaling, and meditation--tools I use to heal my soul, grow awareness and spirituality, and shine my ray of light.



*Give it a try
*a freebie

Please accept my offer for a  free “Intuition and Ambition” coloring design with a heart illustration and a Flower of Life background. Use this tool to create a deeper silent state of inner peace in your life, boost love frequencies, and help promote healing, inner wisdom, growth, and guidance.

I invite you to try this magic for yourself.
Please accept my offer for a free “Intuition and ambition” coloring design with a heart illustration and the Flower of Life background. Use this tool to create a deeper silent state of inner peace in your life, boost love frequencies, and help promote healing, inner wisdom, growth, and guidance.

Practice self-love and generate alpha brain waves that reduce stress levels, nurture creativity and help us feel calmer. Elevate faith and peace with this free PDF Printable you can download and print at home. Unwinding has the power to promote relaxation, harmony, meditation, stability and strength. Coloring balances the flow of your body's energy, enhances your joy, supports healing and the growth of acceptance, inner peace, and hope.

Light your faith with more love and less fear.♡ 
Enlighten your life in these challenging days with a Divine holy glow that is inspired by True Love and the world of Sacred Geometry. Let the light of Holy Symbols and higher life energies enter your world and heal your soul, promote relaxation, generate good health and well-being.

It works like magic.
Clear the clutter, make room for some love.
We are all waiting for this to happen.
Glow, be the light.


Here is the link to the FREE template, give it a try.
Download & Print it in your home right now!


*Read another story I've written for WorldPulse
My Life Journey Story for GirlForce 

As a little girl,
one of my strongest memories was going to my grandparents’ home on Shabbat morning to color coloring books filled with wonderlands of castles and princesses, Indians, dinosaurs and Mickey Mouse. I used to color for hours, immersed in feelings of inner peace, joy, and love.

The relaxing, joyful feeling of these moments brought so much love to my inner world. My life journey has led me back to the art that had inspired me as a little girl and gave me a profound sense of happiness and well-being. My art helped me heal my body, mind, and spirit, connected me with my deepest wishes, and brought me home to my soul, my passion, and my purpose.

Listening to my heart guided me to create my dream job, revealed my mission and continues to illuminate my destiny in the world. It took me back to my loves, grew confidence to start my own international business, design and color as a tool for healing my inner world, love my soul, grow self-love, gain trust in myself, and open me to embrace a creative entrepreneur mindset of growth, love and goodwill.


*I'm looking for you
Journalists, Talk Show Hosts, Podcasters, Bloggers

Do you want to enrich the lives of your readers and/or listeners with a message of hope and healing? 

I'm looking for media opportunities to share the story of my life journey and how it led me to create HALELUYA Sacred Soul Art. My proposal also includes a gift offer for a free Sacred Soul Art coloring page for your readers and/or listeners during this COVID-19 pandemic. 

Would you like this?
I’m available for interviews, articles, giveaways and collaborations. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity, please Email me at: or call me: + 972 50 4393944

I want to grow with you and nurture unity, healing, peace, love, and wholeness. I welcome your ideas for special offers, custom orders, barters, and collaborations.

I support direct communication, openness, integrity and clarity. I like to be honest and bring the best of myself and my professional skills to serve the higher good. Always.
If you resonate with my inner ray of light and values,
Please write me.
I would like to meet you.

To schedule a video call meeting with me

I invite you to share this message with people who might be interested and enlightened by HALELUYA's Sacred Soul Art ♥

Me. Orit Gutmacher Levy - The Designer of HALELUYA Sacred Soul Art

*New Collection
New items in Store

Golden Spiral Star of David Print-2020 COLLECTION-Jewish Art-Printable Design-Divine Holiness Grace Sacred Frequencies-Judaism-HALELUYA $25.55
Healing Grace & Faith Frequencies-10 sephiroth-Ten Sefirot-Kabbalah Elements-Spiritual Tool-Sacred Print-Divine Jewish Art-INSTANT DOWNLOAD $15.55
Golden Spiral Star of David Coloring Page-2020 COLLECTION-Jewish Art-Printable PDF-Divine Holiness Grace Frequencies-Magen David-HALELUYA $15.55
The Ten Sephiroth-Tree of Life-Kabbalah Elements-Sacred Geometry Symbols-Jewish Healing Art-Printable Design-INSTANT DOWNLOAD by @HALELUYA $15.55
Healing Love Faith Frequencies-Star Of David Rhombus Design-Jewish Art-Divine Holy Sacred Geometry Soul Art-Beauty-Grace-INSTANT DOWNLOAD $15.55
Healing Love Frequencies Print-Sacred Geometry Soul Art-Geometric Symbols-Secret Elements-A4 Printable Pdf Design-INSTANT DOWNLOAD HALELUYA $25.55

HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art
is devoted to creating the finest Sacred Soul Art with Geometry Symbols and Geometric Shapes that help people feel more peaceful, balanced and blessed by radiating frequencies of Shalom--healing, love, wholeness, and holiness into our lives, our families, our communities, and our world. Amen.

So Make Some Extra *Me Time

As one united tribe, we have to learn how to support our healing, ease our pain, and reduce our suffering. Radiating frequencies of inner peace can help us balance, be more present, stay centered, help reduce stress reactions, and decrease fear. I want to help elevate love, grow seeds of hope in our consciousness, nurture thoughts of growth, and let new pathways enter our awareness and evolve toward wellness.

May we all let elements of peace, Divine Grace and healing love frequencies flow freely into our lives and into our world to form one united tribe on Planet Earth.


Let's glow.
I want us to feel blessed. 
May our hearts be filled with Sacred light, faith and love.




My Deepest Hope

My deepest hope is that we will open our hearts
and share a global goodwill message of Shalom--peace, healing, love, faith, hope, goodness, wholeness, and holiness with people of all faiths, Nature, Mother Earth, all living Sacred and Divine beings, the Universe, and Humankind for all future generations. Amen.

My Home. The Hula Valley, Israel.

Inspire Your Soul With A Divine Sacred Glow
You are welcome to visit HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art
I'm celebrating 589 items in my Etsy shop Zebratoys.
Download, Print, Craft, and Color Judaica art designs for Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Sukkot, and Hanukkah.

Download templates and designs online:
Thank you for your love of my art.

Download online

Join Me For A Live Video On Sunday

My roots run deep, and I want to give you the best of me.
Join me every Sunday on a LIVE video on Facebook from
my home in the Galilee, Israel.

שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם ✡♡ הַלְלוּיָהּ


Let the light of faith, and divine holiness nourish your soul ✡♡ 
Shabbat Shalom Amen
Orit Gutmacher Levy

Blessings from HALELUYA and The Land of Israel  ♡
Thank you for being part of my community.

מַעֲשים טובִים ✡ אַהֲבַת יִשְׂרָאֵל 

I invite you to Connect with the soulfulness, beauty, and the spirit of northern Israel ♡ HALELUYA.


HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art


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