
Spread the word!
As we move forward with our new normal, one thing's for sure. We'll be doing more online work with our clients and supporters, than face to face

That's why it's important for us to increase our audience by email newsletter, as not everyone uses social media. So can we ask one thing from you today - please share this with another person and ask them to sign up. Just click on the blue writing above and follow the instructions. It'll take a minute at the most

It's been another busy week for the team at The Matthew Project. Read on below to view a few asks, news about our latest work and the fantastic story to make you smile from Natalie below...

Natalie celebrates one year sober

For some people recovery is a very private journey, so we were incredibly proud and humbled when Natalie shared her success story with her followers on Instagram last week. Well done to the team over at Unity for supporting this beautiful young woman and well done Natalie for her success!

Now this is something I NEVER thought could ever or would ever happen and before I would have polietly laughed in your face and told you to do one for even suggesting the idea! BUT alongside my amazing support network, here I am living proof of my own strength and willpower!
I've gone from struggling to go one day to going one whole year!!!

Again, true Natt style I plan on doing some writing around this, but for now here's a post I never thought I would post and here's a milestone I never thought I would make! - "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had"
J. Harrison x 
#sobriety #1yearsober #thisgirlcan #alcoholfree #lifestyle
The team over at Next Steps and volunteers from their Recovery Support Programme have been busy collecting wares to sell in our new Ebay Charity Shop. It is now live on the Ebay For Charity website Click on the heart to save us as a seller and you'll be notified once we add stock to sell...

NEXT STEPS: Urgent Appeal from our allotment team

Did you know that we have an allotment? It's a beautiful spot, where our volunteers, recovery support program members and young people spend many an hour digging the land, connecting with nature and working as a team to grow fruit and vegetables
They are in need of a few items to continue their work - can anyone help please? Here's a list of what they would like...

Essential  items
1.)  A plastic sieve. we only have one and this is used continuously on one plot. It would be good to have one on the other plot too
2.)  A plastic watering can with a rose. Same issue as above with the sieve
3.)  Hand sanitizer At least one for each site
4.)  Extra gloves
5.)  A small supply of sun tan cream! (It's hot work in the sunshine)

Desirable items
Wooden planking about 1” deep and 5” wide in 5 by 8” lengths. We need a lot of this if it can be sourced from anywhere, to create edging around beds. This helps to prevent encroachment of weeds back into the beds

Other essential help
In the absence of a strimmer all I have access to are three pairs of very blunt and not well maintained shears (two pairs are very rusted). None are currently serviceable. If anyone can offer the loan of a petrol strimmer, this would be extremely helpful

If you are able to help with any of the above items, please email

More news for this week...
Do you know about our On Track service? It's a project to clear barriers to work for young people in Norfolk who have multiple and complex needs. The project helps to support young people aged 16-24 to get into education, training or employment. Young people who participate in the project receive extensive tailor-made coaching, mentoring and guidance to help them to fulfil their career goals, as well as practical support to break down the barriers to achieving these goals, such as help with childcare, transport or equipment to start a college course or job and perhaps more importantly, the inner belief and self-confidence needed to secure and sustain successful employment
On Track is a joint initiative, led by The Matthew Project, working in partnership in Norfolk, with GYROS, NANSA, The Prince’s Trust and YMCA Norfolk. On Track has received funding from the National Lottery through the Community Fund and the European Social Fund
They've had a busy start to the year. Read the latest news about their new team members and what they've been up to by reading this blog
Unity have some exciting news this week - they have just been announced as part of the line up for the Youth West Virtual Summer Festival from 10th to 14th August! This is a massive collaboration project and looks to be a great success. They are still in the process of organising the event but you can get the date in your diary now and go to their website to find out more as they share the news... 
To finish...

So here we are at the end of another week and hopefully the beginning of some better weather!

Our Trusts and Foundations Fundraiser, Ryan Hook, has done an amazing job of raising funds for the Outside The Wire Appeal 2020. We'll update you with the figures and how it'll be used, next week

Keeping up with what's going on in the world can be quite worrying at times, so we hope this email has lifted your spirits. We recently shared a post on Facebook about how altruistic acts are helping people cope in these difficult times (see here) Maybe you'll have seen something that you can help with above. Not only will we benefit, but you will too!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe

Best wishes from all the team at The Matthew Project x
Copyright © 2020 The Matthew Project All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
70-80 Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AQ
Registered charity no. 1122801
Company registered in England - company number 6388343

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