
Top Stories

Thursday, July 9

Our most popular stories this week, along with editors' picks:

Here are the highlights:

  1. The Defunding Debate
    Police abolition has entered the 2020 campaign. Reporters have some homework to do.
  2. When the Pundits Paused
    "Life has punctured the bubble of political bullshit in Washington."
  3. A Time of Opportunity
    Good riddance to the political coverage that was. 
  4. Unmasking Certainty
    The battle over face masks is what happens when journalists shy away from ambiguity.
  5. The Essentials
    How Univision has guided Latinos through a historic election cycle.
  6. YouTube's Psychic Wounds
    Seeking political news, Nicholson Baker ventures to the wrong clip and back again.
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