Dear Coach:
We hope that you, your family and all those with your club are doing well despite the pandemic.
COVID-19 Return to Training
With most of Ontario being in Phase 2 of Recovery now, the OAWA COVID-19 Recovery Group has launched a series of guidelines and requirements and resources for your club to begin resuming training when you are ready.
The Initiative is known as Pin COVID-19
Details about the initiative are now live on the OAWA web site:
In order for your Club to begin indoor or outdoor training, you must be in compliance with the Guidelines. Cubs are asked to submit required documents to OAWA to be approved to proceed with re-opening.
The Working Group has designed Guidelines and resources to help Clubs ease back into training in the current environment. These Guidelines should not be taken as legal or medical advice. Clubs are advised to contact their local Public Health Authorities (use the resource list provided).
Please review carefully, the OAWA COVID-19 Recovery Requirements. These include guidelines for Clubs to follow to resume training. All Clubs must complete the WCL Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tool and return along with a re-Opening Plan to the OAWA for approval. Only once approved can clubs resume training.
The OAWA wishes all Clubs the best as they work towards resuming training. We are here as a support tool for you.
If Clubs have any questions, please e-mail
OAWA Governance Committee Update
Reminder to the Clubs that they received an e-mail recently inviting them to participate in the survey on the OAWA by-Laws which are in development. There is still time to respond to the survey noted in the Governance Committee's Communique # 2 and Communique # 3 with a link to another set of survey questions will be sent to all registered clubs soon.
Clubs are asked to respond to the recent survey as soon as possible and to look for the link to the next survey when it arrives.
Coaches Training
This is a reminder that the Coaching Association of Canada has launched a new Safe Sport Training Module.
This module is available for FREE at
Coaches who completed the Respect in Sport Training last year are not required to complete the CAC training module yet, except for Coaches receiving grants from Canada Wrestling Lutte or who are participating in WCL Sanctioned International events.
WCL Coaches Training Resources:
Check out the resources at:
Password: coach2020
WCL Athlete Training Resources:
Check out the resources at:
Password: WCLathletes
Thank you from Ontario Wrestling!