
July 2020

Department Announcements
Department Leadership Transition

Jeff Urbach's term as chair of the physics department ended on June 30, 2020. Let's all thank Prof. Urbach for his exceptional leadership over the past four years and wish him a productive and exciting sabbatical year! 

Amy Liu is the incoming department chair. Daniel Blair and Rhonda Dzakpasu will continue to serve as Director of Graduate Studies and Director of Undergraduate Studies, respectively. 

New Faculty Member

The physics department is delighted to announce the appointment of Gen Yin as Assistant Professor of Physics starting in fall 2020. Prof. Yin is an expert in the theory of transport of charge and spin in topological quantum materials. His research addresses both fundamental physics and device applications. In the fall semester, Prof. Yin will be co-teaching the graduate course on statistical mechanics.  Welcome Prof. Yin!
Equity and Inclusion

In light of recent events exposing the depths of structural racism in our society, many of us have been examining our own biases and behaviors. As members of the physics community, what can we do to make our field, and academia in general, more diverse, welcoming, and just? A number of conversations have been initiated within the department, and this work will continue throughout the summer and into the academic year. Many students are stepping up to help lead the effort, particularly through groups such as the SPS, the GU Women in Physics group, and a new reading/discussion group on racial issues nationwide and within STEM. Keep an eye out for messages about how you can get involved.
Fall Semester Planning

There is a lot of uncertainty about what instruction will look like in the fall, and the physics department is busy preparing flexible options. After the university announces guidelines, we'll be reaching out to students and TAs for input about maintaining the intellectually vibrant and collaborative learning environment that we all value, while ensuring safety and equity.
Recent News
2020 Mayer Scholarship Recipient - Daniel O'Brien: The Department of Physics is pleased to announce that Daniel O’Brien is the recipient of the 2020 Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship, which supports a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics. More Info...

Prof. Kai Liu receives NSF grant to study chiral spin textures: Prof. Kai Liu has received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation – Division of Materials Research to study certain intriguing magnetic configurations known as chiral spin textures, such as magnetic skyrmions and chiral domain walls. More Info...

Georgetown Professor Works to Make Quantum Education More Accessible: Jim Freericks, professor in the Department of Physics and McDevitt Chair, collaborated with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to create a virtual workshop hosted by the Harvard University, Center for Integrated Quantum Materials (CIQM) in March of 2020. Entitled “Key Concepts for Future Quantum Information Science Learners,” the workshop was designed to identify essential concepts for future curricular and educator activities that will help K-12 students engage with quantum information science (QIS). More Info...

Zhijie (Hugh) Chen and Prof. Kai Liu investigated magnetic nanoprobes for enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: In collaboration with scientists at the University of California, Davis, graduate student Zhijie (Hugh) Chen and Prof. Kai Liu have studied novel nanoscale magnetic probes for enhanced contrast in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A report on this study was published May 25 in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. More Info...
Important Dates 

July 3rd: Independence Day, Department Closed 
Copyright © 2020, Georgetown University - Physics Department, All rights reserved.

506 Reiss Science Building
37th and O Streets, N.W., Washington D.C. 20057
Phone: (202) 687-5984

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