
This Fourth of July I'm trading in parties and fireworks for the live-recording of Hamilton (thank you, Disney+) and our monthly, live stream donation-based yoga class (thank you, Mallory). And while the holiday weekend may not be as sparkler-full as in the past, the optimist in me continues to find things to be excited about. Our Zoom life means we can practice with teachers who moved out of D.C. (read on for more details). And our newest mural is off to a stunning start (take a walk down Park Road for a peek). If you've uncovered any creative ways to celebrate, or just make this weekend feel different than say Tuedsay, drop me a line. And, as always, drop me a note with any suggestions, feedback or requests.

Stay well, 

Upcoming Specials

Donation-Based Flow 1/2 for SURJ DC
July 4  |  10:00-11:00 AM
Join Mallory Newall for our monthly, donation-based yoga class. All money raised for this month's class will be matched by the studio and donated to SURJ DC, a chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice, a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice.

July 6, 13, 20, 27  |  10:00-11:00 AM
In this series, kids 5 and up have the opportunity to express themselves through movement and art. Join Dayna Heater for a class that includes breathing, yoga poses, games and mindful activities. Then, in collaboration with artist Kayti Didriksen, kids will learn drawing skills. This four-week series takes place via Zoom on Mondays from 10:00-11:00 and costs $130 per household. Registration required by July 5.

Summer Schedule


For the immediate future, we are not reopening our physical space during phase 2. The guidelines from the city limit group class attendance such that there is at least 10 feet between each person in all directions. We love our quirky-shaped space. We’ve been working behind the scenes to improve it. But offering classes with 10 feet between people just isn’t feasible.
We will continue to offer on-demand and live stream classes. And we're excited to welcome back a few teachers who have moved out of D.C. including Liz Bernstein for Pilates on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM and Edy Blu for Flow 1/2 on Fridays at noon
We have spent over a decade with you on the mat. We have built a strong and beautiful community together. While the ground on which we stand together is strong, I am still paying rent and expenses for an empty studio. The best way you can help keep the ground strong – both financially and as a community – is to practice with us. We know practicing online is not the same, but it still has bolstered us in so many ways. We truly love seeing your faces. We love breathing and moving together. We love the Brady-Bunch-like moments before and after class where we get to say hello and check in. And we look forward to seeing you online until we can see you at the studio.

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