
Lutz Preparatory School:  1st Day Attendance Census
Due Sunday, July 5th at Midnight
Dear LP Parent/Guardian, 
As you are aware, LP intends to reopen school in August. In order for us to make an informed instructional decision for what is best for the students at LP we have developed this census. The eLearning option at LP will be different from what students experienced during the 4th quarter last school year. We are aware that there are many different variables that contribute to making this decision for your students, so we have included an overview of the expectations that our Model A and Model B options will include.
Model A (On Campus In Person Instruction):
  • Students will follow traditional school day schedule and opportunities
  • Appropriate social distancing or cohort classroom design, safety and sanitation measures will be in place per guidelines from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)
  • Masks will be recommended but not required for students and staff
  • Controlled movement and transitions will be in place where possible
  • Mass gatherings, assemblies, and field trips will be limited
Model B (Virtual LP Instruction):
  • Classes will consist of live online instruction
  • eLearning will utilize Google Classroom & Edsby for resources, communication, grading, and more
  • Students will be required to take major assessments on campus: unit tests, iReady Diagnostic & Growth Monitoring, and formative assessments, etc. 
  • All students participating in eLearning must commit to this option for the entire semester (2 quarters) 
  • Elective course offerings will be limited – Students participating in eLearning will not be able to take Art or Music
  • Parents will be required to sign an eLearning agreement outlining the requirements and terms
  • Parents and students are responsible for the care of materials and workbooks that could be sent home; a fee may be issued for lost or damaged items
Although we believe that in-person instruction is optimal for success, we recognize that our families have unique needs that may warrant some students remaining at home from school. Therefore, we have added the eLearning option for those students who cannot physically return to campus due to medical conditions or medically compromising circumstances based on a semester schedule. While examining your personal situation, we ask that you provide your choice for whether your child will attend LP in person, participate in eLearning, or withdraw from LP to attend Hillsborough Virtual K-12, Florida Virtual School (FLVS), or another school.

We understand that circumstances involving COVID-19 are rapidly changing, however, it is important that you make a choice at this time so that we can prepare for opening school in the safest and successful manner possible. We will continue to monitor FLDOE, HCPS, and CDC guidelines and will adhere to all requirements for operating school in both formats. If a circumstance is presented where your student needs to participate in a short-term eLearning platform, he/she will follow the above expectations. Please understand that as information is received, LP will make changes where necessary.

As in the Hillsborough County School District, if and when there is a case of COVID-19 at Lutz Prep, we too will follow CDC, FLDOE, and Florida Department of Health guidelines to ensure the safety of all staff and students on a case-by-case basis as recommended by those agencies. We will also have procedures in place to care for an individual who presents with symptoms.
Please take a moment to let us know your intentions for your child(ren) by Sunday, July 5th at Midnight
Click Here for the Required 1st Day Attendance Census
Common Questions about Reopening School
Q:  With everything constantly changing, when do families have to make a “final” decision on which learning model they are choosing for the 2020-21 school year at Lutz Prep?
A:  For our staff to best prepare in both planning and scheduling purposes, please respond to the LP First Day Attendance Census coming out by the deadline provided. **Please note that families will have an option of altering their choice in late July however, we need to gather your current instructional choice based on today’s knowledge of our current environment. 

Q:  Is  Lutz Prep offering a hybrid model?
A:  No, not at this time.

Q:  While LP has sent out the proposed plan for educational delivery (Models A, B, and C), what does the e-Learning model at LP look like?
A:  Please be advised – the e-Learning model will be different from what students/families experienced during the 4th quarter for LP ending the previous school year. It may additionally be modified and revised as needed. Below are examples that include but not limited to some of what this model encompasses:
  • Students will follow LP’s bell schedule
  • Daily and class period attendance will be required
  • Classes will be live online instruction
  • Students will be required to take major assessments on campus
  • Choosing the e-Learning model B will require commitment to this option for entire semester (no changes made during semester)
  • As a partnership with the school, parents will be required to sign an e-Learning contract detailing requirements and commitment to monitor and support their student’s engagement with daily online instruction
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