Shavertown Trail Reopens                                                                        View this email in your browser

Just in time for the Fourth of July!

We are happy to announce that the Shavertown Trail will reopen to the public effective tomorrow, July 3rd. In addition to the trail to Snake Pond that was closed so the NYCDEP could complete restoration work on the pond, the farm road that was closed last year to facilitate a logging operation will reopen. Combined, these two trail sections create a Snake Pond loop hike of about 1.5 miles. We ask that you stay on the trail around the pond to protect the newly seeded pollinator wildflowers while they become established. We continue to work on a new trail section that we hope to open later this month.

For more information about this and other Catskill recreational opportunities check the "Where to Go" menu on the CMC website. You can download free maps of the CMC built trails for smartphones using the Avenza Maps app:…/cmc-trails-maps-for-you…/.

Please observe social distancing recommendations when hiking. While we in New York have made great progress towards controlling the spread of the virus, it is vitally important that we all continue to be careful.

Visit our website at to see our upcoming events and learn more about the Club.  Follow us on Facebook page or get in touch with us by emailing
If you aren't a dues paying member yet or if you haven't renewed your CMC membership this year, you are a few simple keystrokes away!  The CMC relies on memberships to fund the trail building, trail maintenance and other work we do. What better time to support our work than right now? Thank you!

Just click the button below to start. 

All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
You can obtain a description of the programs and activities that your contribution will support by reading the "About Us" section on our website or by contacting us at the above address.
You may request a copy of our most recently filed financial report from the Charities Bureau Registry on the New York Attorney General’s website, ( by contacting the CMC or by contacting the Attorney General's office at:
NYS Attorney General
Department of Law
Charities Bureau
28 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10005
Click to Become A Member or Renew Your Membership
You can also support the CMC by using Amazon Smile.

You can use Amazon Smile just as you would the regular Amazon or Amazon Prime site.  All the items for sale and the search parameters are the same, it's just like you entered Amazon through a different door.  When you have completed your purchase you can choose which charity will receive a small percentage of your purchase price.  There is no additional charge to you.  Simple as that !!

To access the Amazon Smile site go to  Use your normal Amazon login and password (or create one if you do not have one). 

For details on the Smile program go to
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