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July 2, 2020   |   VOL. 1 No. 15
Webinar: Wednesday, July 8, at 11am
Join Corinna Laughlin for the “Preparing for Public Mass and Celebrating the Rites” webinar. This webinar will review the latest guidelines for public Masses and will also give an overview of adaptations for weddings, funerals, baptisms, and RCIA rites.
Click here to register. Webinar ID: 961-510-931
 Safety Training
We have created a new Safety Training video for parish volunteers and staff. 
Click here to access the video training.
Parish Reopening: Starting Up Ministries
Now that some counties have moved into Phase 2 and 3, parish ministries may be able to hold some in-person meetings. While we recommend keeping meetings digital, in some cases it may be more inclusive and necessary to meet in person. In order to start up ministry meetings, please review this guidance and checklistSpecial thanks to Dianne Helley from St. John the Evangelist in Vancouver and Sharon Harris from Holy Family in Kirkland for their support creating this tool.
Homebound Ministry
Pastoral Ministry and the Office of the Vicar for Clergy have created new guidelines for homebound ministry. View guidelines:  English  |  Spanish
Book of the Dead
The archdiocese will create a Book of the Dead dedicated to those who passed away from COVID-19 in the Archdiocese of Seattle. If a member of your parish community has passed away from the coronavirus, please share his or her name with Nick Schoen ( to be placed in this book. Additionally, each Friday, Archbishop Etienne is remembering these individuals during his livestream Mass.
Bells in Solidarity 
To demonstrate our solidarity with everyone who is impacted by the coronavirus, we recommend pastors ring their bells at noon. At this time, we ask that you encourage people to pray the Angelus as a family in their homes and conclude with the prayer to Our Lady of Seattle. 
Parish Resources
with Hyperlinks

English  |  Spanish
Parish Mass Poster 1
English  |  Spanish

Black & White
English  |  Spanish
Parish Mass Poster 2
English  |  Spanish

Black & White
English  |  Spanish
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