Integral Yoga® Magazine, Issue No. 199  Guru Poornima 2020
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Guru Poornima 2020
All love and deepest gratitude to Sri Swami Satchidananda: our beloved Gurudev, spiritual guide and the founder of Integral Yoga/Yogaville.
(Artwork: "At the Feet of My Master," 1972, by Peter Max).

The Key to Spiritual Liberation
By Swami Satchidananda

In honor of July 4th—Independence Day and Guru Poornima—this issue is dedicated to spiritual freedom and inspiration from various contributors.
Before we talk about freedom it’s good to know how do we get bound. What binds us? Because if we do not know that we are bound, we won’t even have to bother about freedom. Who wants freedom? The one who is bound. Are we really bound? If so, who is interested in binding us? Somebody out there? Or, you yourself?  MORE

On July 6th, the Office of Tibet, Buddhist and world peace organizations will honor the Dalai Lama. Among the many programs is a Facebook Live celebration hosted by the Office of Tibet. Another special event will be "The Dalai Lama and Science"— a special screening of a new film being offered in honor of the Dalai Lama's lifelong love of science. "Infinite Potential: The Life & Ideas of David Bohm" honors the maverick physicist who Einsten called his "spiritual son" and the Dalai Lama called his "science guru."

In the more than fifty years since Swami Satchidananda brought peace into the chaos of 450,000 young people at a massive rock concert, his Integral Yoga teachings continue to be shared around the world. Heart surgeons, construction workers, people with HIV/AIDS, teachers, police, veterans, nurses, students and parents on every continent are living increasingly healthier, happier lives because of Yoga and meditation. Yoga in America used to be for athletic, skinny, straight, white women.  MORE

Swami Satchidananda was trailblazing in his interfaith work, changing how Guru Poornima was traditionally celebrated. Rather than honoring just one's own Guru, he arranged programs that honored the Gurus and guides of all faith traditions. Prior to meeting his Guru, Sri Swami Sivananda in 1949, Sri Swamiji spent time with the great sage Sri Ramana Maharshi. This wonderful documentary was produced by David Godman, the foremost authority on Sri Ramana's life and teachings. Also, read our interview with David Godman here.

Teaching of the Month: Spiritual Introspection
By Swami Divyananda and Swami Ramananda

Mother Nature, in the role of a stern mother, has sent us to our rooms! The government may call it “shelter in place,” but from another angle you can see that we are being asked to quit running around and do some serious thinking: How are we treating Mother Earth? How are we treating each other? How are we treating ourselves? Introspection is the need of the hour. In a spiritual context, it means the sincere examination of our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and motivations in order to keep them uplifted and beneficial.  MORE

I was born in 1977 and I think it is fair to say that Yoga has been part of my life since I was a baby. But I would never have expected Yoga to become such a prevalent part of my life. For this, I am grateful to my parents and my father’s wonderful Guru, Swami Satchidananda. From a young age Swamiji has been a part of our family and I never realised or fully appreciated the impact he would have on my life. I grew up in Southeast London with a mix of the British lifestyle and my own Tamil culture.  MORE

We hope you enjoy this Guru Poornima offering, honoring the world faiths. Produced by Shanti Das and Casey Devi Dugan, with vocals and instrumentals by the Shanti Sisters: Shanti Das, Casey Devi Dugan, Shree Das, Saraswati Rosenberg.
Guru Poornima this weekend is celebrated in Yogaville via Livestream. Join Saturday evening and July 5th for full moon chanting in remembrance of all the lives that have been lost due to, and affected by, both the pandemic and racial/social injustice. More details here for Yogaville, New York IYI, and San Francisco IYI. Yogaville is also hosting Joan Borysenko on August 1st weekend for "Spiritual Experience: Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Neuroscience." For other virtual events see the listings here.
Inspirational Meme of the Week
Copyright © 2020 Integral Yoga® Global/Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville®, Inc. All rights reserved.
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